<del>Monkey goes VIRTUAL!</del>

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff


You wanted to be inside the game.
You wanted to sense the depth of the manatee intestine around you.

Now is your chance.

In our efforts to expand to every platform we can, our newest project is to bring Tales of Monkey Island to you in 3D! What else would we pick but one of the most legendary consoles in the world: the Virtual Boy.


Of all the 3D-ready consoles in the world, the Virtual Boy stands out as the greatest. Packed with a charm of the ages, and notoriety beyond all others, the Virtual Boy delivers an immersive experience that any button-masher can enjoy. With a state-of-the-art technology from their goggle-viewer system, the timelessness of the equipment speaks for itself.

Due to the secrecy of this project, we've had to keep the Virtual Boys in the storage space of our office, sometimes gracing the office with guided tours and hands-on demos, because its very presence among the cubicles would cause too much excitement. We couldn't be happier to get our hands on such a legendary console, everyone's all smiles in programming and the testers love the weekly MRI scans and free ibuprofen, it's a game developers dream.


Tales of Monkey Island has never looked better! Whether you're doing a pirace face off, digging for treasure or listening for key puzzle elements through 1/2-inch speakers, it'll feel like the first time you've played. It looks so good, you'll get a headache trying to wrap your mind around it!

Telltale is also researching Smell-O-Vision technology, but development has been held up due to debate as to what scent a Vacaylian would have.

For release dates and more, keep an eye on the blog and our social feeds!

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