Telltale Tuesday Toy-day

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

Immovable like an empty toy chest you use to clean up your room, it's...


...Don't you just wanna play with toys all day? I say we give up on Tuesday altogether and build Lego castles until it's Wednesday.

Yet, I bet I can make this more fun. In The Devil's Playhouse, Sam and Max find a bunch of toys with mysterious powers. Think about it- toys with POWERS!
Really think about it.
Because today's Telltale Tuesday challenge is:

Give a toy a special superpower!

Whether useful, fun or just ridiculous, we wanna see what the creative minds of Telltale fans can invent when it comes to playtime activities.

Actually I take that back. But the challenge remains.

Submit your finely-crafted toy ideas on our Facebook, Twitter and in the comments here for a chance to win a free Telltale episode! We'll accept submissions until Wednesday April 7th at noon PST (that's somewhere around 7pm GMT) so you have enough time to drag out your old toys and get some inspiration.

(If nothing is coming to mind, maybe you're more cut out to create a Telltale Tuesday logo instead?)

Thank us later. Brainstorm now. Prototype models included with submissions not mandatory, but smiled upon.

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