The password is: Telltale Tuesday

Shh, get in here before they see you, don't you know it's...
Really, what were you thinking? Broad daylight and all. We have important matters to discuss, as far as I've heard The Penal Zone does not feature our beloved and paranoid Bosco... what do you think? Is he onto something, and therefore must be silenced?
We're safe here. Safe to speak freely. So, if you've heard anything, we want to know...
What is Bosco's newest conspiracy theory?
Think you're on the right track? We'll investigate these claims and you could get a free Telltale game episode out of the deal... as hush money, you understand. Tell us all about it on Facebook, Twitter and in the comments here. Don't worry. The internet is secure.
We only have a day to figure it out, or it may be too late! Get your submissions in before noon PST tomorrow (7pm GMT on Wednesday April 21st) and we'll strategize.
Good luck out there, constant vigilance!