Wednesday: Back In The Groove
Well I'll be!
Yesterday we asked you to give your best imression of Sam's exclamations, and our blog comments were filled with yells of surprise and a lot of the word "Holy." We're lucky we weren't in the same room, or else we'd get reprimanded for disturbing the peace. ("HOLY MACKEREL-MUNCHING MYRMIDONS MEETING MILLINER MARMOTS, how do you do, Officer?")
Here's some of our favorite wordy explosions:
Holy snakes on a plane with multiple appendages and craft supplies! We're on our way!
By the happy hum of an irradiated radiator raiding a radio station while rooting for the Raiders! We're on our way!
Robert Seale
Holy pampered damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps!
Holy poptart in a blender!
Holy Sentry-Sappin' Spies using my gun and wearing Max's head as a hat.
Well ain't that what I said in every previous exclamation put together, lightly seasoned, and baked into a hot pocket!
Holy hippomonstrosesquipedaliophobia!
We'd act surprised at your cleverness, but we think the effect would be lost. Each of these winners get a free Telltale episode of their choice and a harsh reprimand from neighbors. We'll let you off with a warning this time. Next Tuesday though, you better watch out.