Wednesday: Back In The Groove

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

Well I'll be!

Yesterday we asked you to give your best imression of Sam's exclamations, and our blog comments were filled with yells of surprise and a lot of the word "Holy." We're lucky we weren't in the same room, or else we'd get reprimanded for disturbing the peace. ("HOLY MACKEREL-MUNCHING MYRMIDONS MEETING MILLINER MARMOTS, how do you do, Officer?")

Here's some of our favorite wordy explosions:

Holy snakes on a plane with multiple appendages and craft supplies! We're on our way!

By the happy hum of an irradiated radiator raiding a radio station while rooting for the Raiders! We're on our way!
Robert Seale

Holy pampered damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps!

Holy poptart in a blender!

Holy Sentry-Sappin' Spies using my gun and wearing Max's head as a hat.

Well ain't that what I said in every previous exclamation put together, lightly seasoned, and baked into a hot pocket!

Holy hippomonstrosesquipedaliophobia!

We'd act surprised at your cleverness, but we think the effect would be lost. Each of these winners get a free Telltale episode of their choice and a harsh reprimand from neighbors. We'll let you off with a warning this time. Next Tuesday though, you better watch out.

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