Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition and Tales of Monkey Island Together for $19.95

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

'Tis a match made in Davy Jones' Locker: LucasArts' The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition - the re-imagining of the classic adventure that started it all – is now available at the Telltale store here: Buy It. To celebrate this awesome event, we've put together an amazing bundle you cannot possibly resist: get The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition PLUS Telltale's own Tales of Monkey Island for only $19.95! Two of your favorite Monkey Island games, available for one incredible price of $19.95. This is a limited time offer, and by "limited time" we mean one week – offer ends midnight next Friday May 7. Buy It.



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