Monday at Telltale

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

I thought I should start the week off by speaking about a couple of studio-related items which took place recently.

Server issues isolated

We had a little trouble shortly after we launched the Puzzle Agent pre-sale on our website last Tuesday, and it required taking the site offline for longer than we would have liked in order to get it fixed. What was it, you ask?

After a few hours of digging into the night, we uncovered the source of the problem (see attached photo). Far from home, this little guy was wreaking havoc all over our e-commerce. Fortunately, we were able to lure him from this tangle by pointing him in the direction of our vending machine, laden with sugary treats and preservatives. This seemed to distract him long enough to shore up the website issues. However, now the vending machine won't accept dollar bills. Coincidence?

A package from the internet

We move now to events that actually took place. Excellent community member "Avistew" bestowed a batch of knit plushes (thanks!) upon our humble studio. This bundle included both Sam & Max, here appearing to be roughly the same height and a lot less talkative. Adorable, though!

Sam! Sam! I mean Max!

Next up, things start to get a bit meta, as we uncover a plush figure modeled after the Screaming Narwhal (complete with giant rocket) from Majus's first "I Wonder What Happens" video. "Wait, this is fan art based on fan art?" we ask ourselves. At this point, we're totally distracted.

After pondering this piece for some time, we very nearly overlooked the final gift. This most ambitious undertaking appears to be a wearable depiction of Max's Severed Head. It features the cranial portions of Max's terrifying visage conveniently molded into some kind of pseudo-protective headwear—perfect for arcane rituals and/or rocket jumps! This item appears to be based on a similarly-named Team Fortress 2 item you might have heard about recently.

In all seriousness, this is great stuff, and big thanks again go to Avistew for sharing them.

Group shot

(Photos skillfully snapped by Shaun F. Arms and hands for propping provided by David E. Back of some dude's head generously donated by Sean T.)

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