New Bundle! Sam & Max: Complete Collection

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

Bundle!There's a new game bundle in town, and his name is "Sam & Max: Complete Collection". It's all three of Telltale's Sam & Max Seasons: Save the World, Beyond Time & Space, and The Devil's Playhouse, which adds up to (when all is said and done) sixteen episodes!

That's roughly 95 bucks worth of game, but between now and midnight Pacific Time on June 2, you can pick up this bundle pack for $49.95! In other words, you can get sixteen games for the price of 5/6ths of a this-gen console title!

If, for whatever reason, you haven't jumped into the Sam & Max series yet but have been meaning to do so, you can redeem yourself by picking up this pack today! It's going to be okay!

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