Pre-Order news, and scenes from the Press Check

Hey everyone! A huge chunk of the the new Telltale merchandise that has been in pre-order mode for awhile has arrived and will ship out very soon from our fulfillment center, including the new Sam & Max and Monkey Island items! Here's a sneak peek at the items in question:
As for the rest of the items left to ship: Stephen W., our very own good-graphicsman, took a trip over to the printers earlier today to check on some of the merch that's still being finished up, purchasable now from our Store (and shipping out soon).
He sent over some photos of the Tales of Monkey Island Concept Art Portfolio going to print, which you can see below. The rest of the merchandise is right around the corner, and we're hoping to have it all out the door in the next couple of weeks. For now, feast your eyes on what we saw over at the press check:
Items in stock and shipping nowish:
- Tales of Monkey Island DVD (with Steve Purcell slipcase)
- Tales of Monkey Island Standard DVD
- Tales of Monkey Island Drinking Vessel
- Tales of Monkey Island T-Shirt (all sizes)
- Max Imp T-Shirt (all sizes)
- Sam & Max Button Set
- Space Wolf T-Shirt
- Monkey Island Button Set #2