The Great Adventure Bundle 2010 Extended Another Week

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

We're keeping The Great Adventure Bundle 2010 live for an additional week!

Thanks to all of you, The Great Adventure Bundle 2010 has been, well, great: in less than a week, nearly 2,000 bundles have been sold, and $10,000 has been raised for our charitable-cause partners. In fact, it’s been so great, we’re extending the sale for another week. We’re also excited that we can still hit the 5,000-bundle goal and in turn unlock Sam & Max: Season 2. Everything else remains the same: your $19.95 gets you the games, and 25% of every bundle sold still goes directly to one, or all, of the beneficiary charitable organizations.

The feedback on The Great Adventure Bundle 2010 has been fantastic - thanks again to all who have helped spreading the word.

So now that you have another week to reach the goal, continue to get the word out there to make The Great Adventure Bundle an even bigger success, continue the extraordinary contributions, and get closer to unlocking Sam & Max: Season 2!

The Great Adventure Bundle 2010 – Get It Here!

Want to learn about who benefits from the bundle? Go here!

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