The DeLorean Continues To Suffer From a Case of Bad Photoshops P.S. This Is a Contest Blog
Yesterday, I gave you some shots of our PAX 2010 Back to the Future DeLorean time machine (accompanied by some excellent cosplayers) making its way into various video games by way of terrible Photoshops. The fun's not over though, today I deliver some more Telltale focused Photoshops, a very cool Photosynth of our PAX DeLorean, and a way to win your very own copies of Puzzle Agent and Sam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse for PC and Mac.
Travis Rogers stopped by our DeLorean at PAX shortly after the expo began dressed in full Marty McFly regalia. I decided to honor him by throwing together an incredibly amateur Photoshop of him in the classic Back to the Future movie poster pose. If you look close enough you can see exactly where I used the miraculous clone stamp tool to remove the contents of the original poster. Thanks Travis for going all-out!
Later in the PAX 2010 festivities, Telltale Games members Kimya and msondo stopped by the DeLorean dressed as Sybil Pandemik and Abe, the happily married couple of Sam & Max fame. With their newfound ability to travel through time, they've made it back to the first episode of Sam & Max: Season 1.
Along with cosplayers, Tom Matthews came by the DeLorean and took a multitude of photographs with some special cameras. These pictures weren't for a big PAX photo album though, he went home and put together a Photosynth of the car - inside and out. You can get a close look at the car and see all the little details. Check out Tom's Photosynth HERE.
So now you want to know how to win copies of Puzzle Agent and Sam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse for PC and Mac. Use the 'blank' photo of the DeLorean below and put together your 'best' bad Photoshop of it. It doesn't have to be in a video game, or a movie, or anything in particular - just go wild (You also don't have to use Photoshop, any photo manipulation program is fine). You have until 10:00 AM PST Friday, September 17 to turn your entry in. Head over to the contest entry thread HERE to post your work. Five winners will be picked and announced later that day. Good luck!
What else would you want to see our DeLorean doing? Eating? Sleeping? You can tell me in the comments below or you can enter the contest and show me for yourself!
Check out Tom Matthews' Photosynth of our PAX 2010 DeLorean!
Enter to win Sam and Max - The Devil's Playhouse and Puzzle Agent here!