Our PAX 2010 Back to the Future DeLorean Goes Places

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

It's been a little over week now since PAX 2010 ended and while going through the pictures taken of the DeLorean we had on display at the expo it dawned on me - I need to combine two of my loves, bad Photoshops and good cosplay for the greater benefit of humanity. 

It's been a while since I've done a bad, amateurish Photoshop, and I'd forgotten how long they can take but we have a plethora of photos of cosplayers from PAX posing with the DeLorean, so I had to pick some favorites to get my feet wet again. 

I've decided to start out with some video game based cosplayers and here they are, in no particular order. If anybody knows who these wonderful cosplayers are, please let me know in the comments so that I can attribute them accordingly!

First we have Captain Falcon from Nintendo's F-Zero series. He comes from the future with a new racer, ready to take Mute City by storm!


Next, we have Chun-Li and Ryu from Capcom's Street Fighter series making the DeLorean their own personal Bonus Stage! 

Hold it! Straight from Capcom's Ace Attorney series and Nintendo's Pokemon come Phoenix Wright and Team Rocket! Phoenix, of course, objects to this 'out of canon' tale involving a 1981 DeLorean. 

Subject Delta and a couple of Little Sisters from 2K Games' BioShock 2 somehow survived the crushing pressure of the deep in the DeLorean time machine and are simply hanging around, looking for some Adam near the city of Rapture.

Commander Shepard from BioWare's Mass Effect series, along with the DeLorean Time Machine, careens into the Illusive Man's chambers to talk Cerberus business. There's just enough lens flare so that she can get her point across.

Finally, in honor of Bungie and Microsoft's Halo: Reach releasing tomorrow, Catherine-B320 uses the DeLorean to travel back to Reach during the Covenant assault in hopes of changing the future. 

These are just the first batch of bad Photoshops involving our Back to the Future DeLorean, stay tuned for more soon. Maybe you'll see a few, non-game related faces.

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