Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space Unlocks in The Great Adventure Bundle Tomorrow

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

Sales of The Great Adventure Bundle 2010 end on Monday, September 20 (Pacific Time) and we’re sending it off in style!

Starting tomorrow we’re unlocking the sixth and final game in The Great Adventure Bundle 2010, Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space! Everybody that’s already purchased the bundle as well as all newcomers will get access to the continued adventures of the Freelance Police as well as all five previously available games.

Come Monday, your chance to get all six games for only $19.95 is gone so now’s your last chance.

[readmore]Here’s a quick rundown on The Great Adventure Bundle 2010 (it’s the last time, I promise). You get all six adventure games, The Whispered World, Jack Keane, King’s Quest Collection, Penny-Arcade Adventures: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness – Episode 1, Puzzle Agent, and Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space, for $19.95 with a portion of the proceeds of every single bundle sold going to one, or all, of the charitable organizations we’ve selected. The organizations that benefit from The Great Adventure Bundle are Child’s Play, the World Wildlife Fund, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Nyota e.V., and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Thank you to everybody for all of your support of the bundle, we have the best fans in the world!

Purchase The Great Adventure Bundle 2010, now with all six games unlocked!

Learn more about the organizations benefitting from bundle sales.

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