Saying Goodbye to The Great Adventure Bundle 2010 and Another Photoshop Contest

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

Today marks the end of sales on The Great Adventure Bundle 2010. The sincerest of thanks to all that purchased and spread the word on the six-game compilation; your enthusiastic support raised over 16 thousand dollars for the five charitable organizations benefitting from bundle sales.

Watching The Great Adventure Bundle 2010 develop made one thing very apparent to me: Telltale fans are the best fans in the world. Period. You guys really answered the call to get the word out on the bundle and I can’t thank you enough.

[readmore]On the subject of how awesome our fans are, the response to the Back to the Future PAX DeLorean Photoshop contest was great – there were a lot of great entries and you see the winners here. That said, I received some useful feedback about what you’d like incorporated into future contests and hopefully this one will get you even more excited.

This fall, we’re releasing Poker Night at the Inventory, a look at what Team Fortress 2’s Heavy, Penny-Arcade’s Tycho, and Strong Bad and Max of Telltale Games fame are up to after they clock out for the night. For this contest, incorporate the provided character images from the game into a non-poker related scene with the magic of Photoshop (or other editing software) then title it and post it in the contest thread HERE. During the Make a Scene with Telltale panel at PAX this year we tossed up some ‘prospective’ titles for Poker Night at the Inventory including Tax Returns at the Inventory and Badminton at the Inventory – use those as inspiration for your own scenes. I, along with input from the Telltale Team, will pick our five favorites at the end of the contest so be creative.

Now for the nitty-gritty about the contest. First, the prizes; each of the five winners will receive codes for the PC/Mac versions of Puzzle Agent and Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse. You have until 11:00 AM (Pacific Time) Monday, September 27 to post your entry in the thread - you can post up to three entries, but only win for one of them. If you were a winner in the last contest you can’t win this one (why would you, the prizes are the same), but show us your stuff anyway! Good luck!

Pre-order Poker Night at the Inventory and get 25% off of the rest of your order!

Enter the Photoshop contest in this thread on the Telltale Games forums!

Click each image for large version!


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