Video: Marty and Lorraine McFly Reunited

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

When Marty McFly encountered his mother Lorraine as a young woman in Back to the Future, things got a little...awkward to say the least. Not so, 25 years later as Michael J. Fox and Lea Thompson get together again for a photo shoot and a little bit of reminiscing for an Entertainment Weekly cover story. 

In this touching clip, Michael J. Fox and Lea Thompson get some hands on time with the DeLorean time machine, something Thompson never got a chance to do on-screen since her character never actually interacted with the famous car in the films. The DeLorean used for this photo shoot is the same one used in the Spike TV Scream Awards promo I posted yesterday - it's owned by We''s organizer Ken Kapalowski.

Watch the video after the jump. [readmore]

The stars also take a few moments to chat about Back to the Future and the legendary scene where Lorraine makes a move on 'Calvin Klein' - unaware that he is actually her son from the future. 

This clip is definitely worth watching, both as a fan of Back to the Future and of the cinema. This isn't the only reunion of the Back to the Future cast happening this month though; Michael J. Fox, Lea Thompson, Elisabeth Shue (Marty's girlfriend Jennifer from Parts II and III) are appearing at the Spike TV Scream Awards show later this month. It's Back to the Future mania this October!

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