Did Somebody Steal the DeLorean and Get Caught on Tape?
This video of a purported time traveler has been circulating around the web for a bit but I wanted to share it with you nonetheless, just in case some of you haven't' caught wind of it yet. Did this woman time traveler not follow the instructions Doc Brown gave Marty in Back to the Future and inadvertently get caught up in a historical event?
The video (after the jump) shows a woman gabbing away on what seems to be a cell phone while walking through the premiere for the Charlie Chapin film, Circus - in 1928! That's right, a cell phone in the early 20th century!
Watch the video of the alleged time-traveler after the jump.[readmore]
Spoiler Alert: The time traveler theory was quickly debunked (is something ever considered 'bunked'?) with the explanation being that the woman was simply using an old fashioned hearing aid but it would have been pretty rad if this had remained one of those 'unsolved mysteries'. I'll admit, I was intrigued by the notion of a time traveler being caught in the act but no self respecting person jaunting through the space-time continuum would be so careless as to have someone film them using a device more than half a century before it became commonplace.
What did you think of the video? Did it have you fooled? Do you think there are time travelers in our midst now?