The (Potential) Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment

This isn't really Telltale related, but in a way it is, as Telltale Games creates digital entertainment. A group of individuals in the San Francisco Bay Area are working to put together The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment, a place where people can come together to see and experience the history of video games while also being a place where local game communities congregate. It's a totally cool plan, but it's going to need gamers' help to get off the ground!
The folks behind The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment, or M.A.D.E., have already gotten the organization classified as not for profit and are a little over half way to reaching their goal of $20,000, the amount of money they need to secure a space in San Francisco for the museum. Every bit helps, and every donation over $5 on their Kickstarter site nets at least a ticket to the museum when it opens, so head over there for all the details.
A museum dedicated to the history of video games is a perfect way to ensure that future generations can see where their entertainment medium of choice, likely psychically-controlled games, began.