Back to the Future - Episode 3: Citizen Brown Walkthrough - CONTAINS SPOILERS
Back to the Future - Episode 3: Citizen Brown is here so we have a handy-dandy walkthrough ready for you!
Spoiler Alert: The walkthrough does contain spoilers, including images that give away certain plot points, so do not read past this point if you don't want to read or see anything about the episode.
Find the Back to the Future - Episode 3: Citizen Brown Walkthrough after the jump![readmore]
Country Road - 1986
Marty has literally crash landed back in "good old 1986", but things are not as he thought they would be. But that's the least of his worries at this moment. He needs to get down from the billboard. Select the DeLorean's horn and press it to honk it and get the Rocker Chick's attention down below.
Once Marty has the girl's attention he realizes it's his girlfriend Jennifer Parker. Select her to speak with her and lead the conversation to discover if she has anything useful to help him get down. She produces the tire iron that was left out there back in 1931 but won't give it up for free. Trade Kid Tannen's flask from the inventory for the tire iron. Marty uses the tire iron to break the DeLorean's window and reach the ground. As Marty reaches the ground and is left behind by Jennifer the DeLorean crashes to the ground and is destroyed. He needs to get in to Hill Valley though, so it's going to take a bit of work.
Activate the nearby squak box and find out that to get into town one must check in at the North Gate, which is at the complete opposite end of where Marty is now. Use the tire iron to detach the wobbling DeLorean wheel and locate the battery on the rear of the car; pick it up. Use the battery on the tire and turn it into a hover device to get Marty over the wall and into the city.
Hill Valley Courthouse Square - 1986
After running into Jennifer's father, Officer Parker, head over to the buzzer next to the Courthouse gate. Speak to the woman over the buzzer then watch as biff steps out of a cart with Doc Brown. Go talk to Biff in the courtyard to get some more information. Follow all of the lines of questioning, namely about hsi sordid past, to get all the information you can out of him. This information comes in handy later in the game. Once Marty has spoken to Biff, Jennifer comes into the scene, go talk to her in the alley behind the Soup shop.
Back Alley - 1986
Speak to Jennifer in the alley and find out more about the situation at hand. Once you're done, head back out to Courthouse Square.
Hill Valley Courthouse Square - 1986
Back out in the courtyard go speak to Lorraine McFly at Biff's Citizen Plus booth. Ask her about the golf cart and she will hand over the keys to the vehicle as well as her timesheet. Get into the golf cart and it's time to pay the McFly residence a visit.
McFly Residence - 1986
Speak to George at the desk and ask him about what he was hiding as Marty walked in. He will reveal what he was hiding so Marty must head back out to Courthouse Square to take care of the problem. Take a moment to grab the guitar nearby and get George to allow its removal by saying that it's to impress Jennifer. Once the guitar is in hand, head out.
Hill Valley Courthouse Square - 1986
Head right to the statue in the middle of the courtyard and select it. Doing so will cause Marty to spin the statue and garner a stack of demerits for Marty's inventory. Now head over to the Soup Stand and ask Leech for a sample of the soy-dogs. He'll leave them out and attract this reality's Einstein.
Back Alley - 1986
Return to the back alley where Jennifer was spray painting and likely where Einstein is hanging around. He went up the plank next to Jennifer but grab the spray paint can that she left next to her ammo box for later. Select the plank and Marty will climb over it. Click around on the items in the hiding space only to see Einstein escape around the corner. Use the spray can on the plank to cause the canine to leave tracks wherever he goes. Leave the alley, only to come right back as Einstein runs past.
Follow the blue tracks to where Einstein is hiding and offer him the soy-dog in return for his trust. He will follow Marty out to Courthouse Square.
After getting caught with Einstein and he's taken away, head back to the alley and use the guitar on Jennifer to show her you have it. Then goad her on about the SoupMo guy, Leech, to start a guitar battle against him.
From where Marty starts scissor kick (this causes Leech to knock over his own amp) then move towards Jennifer. Next, climb on the platform then do a hop to cause Leech to knock himself over into the nearby dumpster. This endears Jennifer to Marty and takes the scene to the inside of SoupMo. Once Marty starts kissing Jennifer select the window to get Edna's attention and get another demerit.
Hill Valley Courthouse Square - 1986
Now that Marty's racked up two demerits go back to the statue in Courthouse Square and select it to move the mobile in front of the camera that George monitors. Bump it twice to move it perfectly into position. Lorraine moves into the camera's blind spot so go talk to her; she will toss aside the flask in her hand. Grab the flask that's in the flowers next to the statue.
With the flask in hand, walk over to Officer Parker near the entrance to the Hill Valley Courthouse and he'll frisk Marty, only to find Lorraine's flask. Another demerit for young McFly. After a short meeting with Jennifer Edna breaks up the warm embrace and decides to schedule a meeting for Marty with Citizen Brown himself.
First Citizen Brown's Office - 1986
Speak to Emmett Brown and get him to realize something is off here. Select the portrait and the fish tank that are in the office to get Emmett to take a photo of him shaking Officer Parker's hand back in 1931 out. Select the picture and then select where Marty and Doc appear in the picture to keep the conversation going. After the conversation goes sour, Marty returns to the McFly residence.
McFly Residence - 1986
Back at the McFly residence, speak to George who will tell you about his plight. To further the conversation, select the nearby baseball bat to jog his memory of the recent events. Then check out the tape cases on the ground to continue the conversation.
Press the "video" switch on the lower left monitor twice to switch the video feed to the one monitoring George and Marty in the garage. The select the lower left monitor itself. This reveals the culprit behind the attack on George so it's back out to Courthouse Square.
Hill Valley Courthouse Square - 1986
Talk to Biff and ask him about his wristwatch. To activate the watch press "Mode" then enter "x-11", then "Mode" again into it to take control of the terrible Tannen.
Have Biff go recover George's tape and he'll hop into the chute. Follow him in.
Courthouse Basement - 1986
Down in the basement Biff grabs hold of Marty while under Edna's control. Get Biff to loosen his grip by looking around and point out his various vices in the room (cigars, girlie magazine, Einstein, and the license plates). Biff will become overwhelemed with everything and faint. Emmett enters the scene and Marty convinces him of his true destiny.
Go try to free Einstein but Biff wakes up from his slumber. Now it's time to finish him off. Select the records to slow Biff down then when Biff nears Marty escape and free Einstein. With Einstein free, toss more records at Biff to slow him down then select Einstein to sic him onto Tannen. Once Einstein has Biff cornered select the "Panic Button" on the underside of the counter that Marty is near to knock Biff out.
Citizen Brown's Office - 1986
Back in Doc's office, Marty walks in and finds that Edna has taken control of the situation and the episode ends.