Some Fantastic Jurassic Park Fan Art
Our friends at Jurassic Park fansite Jurassic Park Legacy recently put out a call for fans to re-create their favorite moment from the first film in the series through video, illustration, or the written word for the chance to win a full-season pass for Jurassic Park: The Game and the dino die-hards delivered the goods!
Telltale Games forum member Icedhope, the community manager over at JP Legacy, sent some of the winning entries from their contest over to me and now I'm passing them on to you fine folks. It's apparent that Jurassic Park connoisseurs really (really) love two scenes from the first film in particular, the tyrannosaurus rex's first appearance and the dilophosaur's encounter with Dennis Nedry. See for yourself how rad this work is (in no particular order).
Hegyi László's Tyrannosaurus Rex Pencilmation
Michael Botticelli's "Nedry's Last Stand" Illustration
Manuel Bejarano's Tyrannosaurus Rex Digital Animation
yankeetrex's Jurassic Park Dilophosaurus Illustration
Congratulations to all the winners.