Back to the Future: Episode 4 - Double Visions Walkthrough

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

This is the complete walkthrough for the fourth episode of Back to the Future: The Game, Double Visions. 

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Note: The walkthrough is chock full of spoilers so it's after the jump! [readmore]

Citizen Plus Ward - 1986

Marty finds himself locked up in the Citizen Plus ward of the Hill Valley Courthouse and he needs to escape quickly and fix the timeline.  Walk to the door and use the intercom, then use the intercom again. Select "Why's my stuff locked in a cage?" then ask "Can I take a look at my stuff?" then use the window above the poster nearby. Use the camera or the squawk box to talk to George and ask him if there is any way to speak to Jennifer.

Use Marty's guitar on the squawk box and head out to the middle of the room outside where the guard is using the control panel. Use the food tray to initiate the conversation with the guard about it.

Head over to the door behind the control panel and open your inventory and select the 1986 newspaper; use the newspaper on the door to slide it underneath. Use the intercom next to the door and tell Biff to eat his pill, and then use the newspaper again. Go back to the guard by the control panel and select the pill from your inventory; use it on the can of soda. With the guard out of the way take control of the panel and attempt a rescue on Citizen Brown.

First turn up the volume slider then use the olfactory slider. Head over to the door on the left of the walkway and go inside. When the opportunity arises, use the guitar and use it on the microphone to exit the scene.

Hill Valley Courthouse Square - 1986

Speak to Citizen Brown until he leaves to fix the DeLorean then move around the square until Edna appears. Speak to Edna and Citizen Brown returns then go to the courthouse doors to initiate the scene that takes Emmet and Marty back in time!

Hill Valley Courthouse Square - 1931

Speak to Citizen Brown until he leaves then speak to Emmet. Once the conversation with young Emmett is over go to the courthouse and go inside to move on to the next area.

Hill Valley High School - 1931

When Marty arrives at Hill Valley High School speak to Edna then once she's said all she has to say select her again to hear one more piece of important dialog. Once Edna is done, select the nearby DeLorean then move on over to speak to Trixie near the center of the scene. Tell her that you need her help making Edna jealous then return to Edna to tell her you spoke to Trixie. Now speak to Cueball over by the truck on the right side of the scene and ask him all of the Trixie related questions and the Post Card will be added to Marty's inventory. You're not done with Cueball yet, ask him about his teeth and he'll give Marty a box of algae cakes.

Go speak to Edna and use the Trixie post card on her. After watching Edna's reaction go speak to Trixie and then the Hill Valley of the Future display near where Ms. Trotter is standing. Use the train of the future and speak to Edna to move the story along; the skateboard is now in Marty's inventory. Select the Hill Valley of the Future display again and use the third and fourth buttons from the left at the same time to dislodge the diamond shaped prism. Grab the diamond and walk to the street and select it to move the story along to the next scene.

Young Emmett Brown's Lab - 1931

When you first enter Emmett's lab grab the oil can on the other side of the room and add it to Marty's inventory. Select the "odd looking printer" and then use mind map test switch - this starts the mind map test.
The goal of the puzzle is to make Emmett appear to be a "Degenerate Criminal" so making Emmett's helmet light up red for pictures that Edna would deem as being good and light up green for pictures Edna would deem as bad. This is accomplished by using the various items in the lab and your inventory to influence Emmett's thoughts when a certain image is projected on the screen.

The following items have the corresponding results:

Fish Tank Valve - Releases a “bad smell” that invokes a Negative response.  This will persist until the “good” smell from the Stew is triggered.

Generator - Shocks Emmett, which invokes a Negative response, and can be used as many time as the player wishes

Algae Cakes: These are obtained from Cueball in the High School environment.  Using them on Emmett will invoke a Negative Response, but Emmett will only eat one during that round.

Record Player - Invokes a Positive Response.  Once used, this effect persists indefinitely.

Stew Pot – Release a “good smell” that invokes a Positive response.  This will persist until the “bad” smell from the Valve is triggered.

Press the slide advancer button between each slide. Make Emmett have a negative (red) response to Edna's slide, a positive (green) response to the John Wilkes Booth slide, a negative (red) response to the Officer Parker slide, a positive (green) response to the Tannen slide, a negative (red) response to the Innocent Looking Child slide, and a positive (green) response to the Trixie slide.
Marty is now in possession of Emmet's new Mind Map sheet. Use the new mind map on the Mental Alignment meter and then use the easel to the left of the stew pot and tell Emmett that it's not very good. Use the new Mind Map on Emmett's old Mind Map plaque on the wall. Head over to Emmett and grab the photo album nearby to add it to Marty's inventory. Now is your  chance to use the oil can on Emmett. Use the cleanser shower then grab the cleanser spray bottle to add it to Marty's inventory. Exit the room and watch the quick scene then exit again to move the story along to the next scene.

Hill Valley High School - 1931

Back at Hill Valley High School go to the Hill Valley of the Past display and use the cleanser spray bottle from the inventory on the cave man in the tent then grab the mink fur from the cave man. At this point you can give Trixie all of the items she requested so use the prism, photo album, and mink fur on her to move the scene on. Go back to the DeLorean and use the spray bottle on it, placing it in the DeLorean, then select the DeLorean again to get Citizen Brown to use the car. Repeat that twice and the cleansing spray will be aged to perfection; grab it and the scene will change.

Young Emmett Brown's Lab - 1931

Back at Emmett's lab, tell Edna that Carl Sagan would like to talk to her then tell her that he has a lead on the Speakeasy Arsonist, causing her to leave. Use the cleanser spray bottle from your inventory on Emmett which moves the story along again.

Hill Valley High School - 1931

Back at Hill Valley High, speak to Citizen Brown and tell him that the Edna of the future is "alone and miserable to move the story along. Keep talking to him and select Emmett when the time comes. Watch the scene and the story moves to Courthouse Square once again.

Hill Valley Courthouse Square - 1931

Back at Courthouse Square speak to Emmett then keep moving the conversation on by using every dialog option, ending it by telling him he's delusional. After Emmett falls select Emmett and ask him if he has anything useful. Select the rope and move Marty down it. Use the Cleanser Spray Bottle on the rope. Go back to the rope and swing Marty left and right until he swings close enough to Emmett; select young Emmett when he is close enough. Use the spray bottle on Emmett to cut him free and end the episode!


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