Talk Like a Pirate and Play Tales of Monkey Island

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

Arr me mateys! Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day, a day where speakin' like a buccaneer not only be allowed, it be encouraged, and as purveyors of fine pirate goods such as Tales of Monkey Island, we be joining in the festivities with a pair of offers! 

For the PC playing folk, we be letting the full season of Tales of Monkey Island (PC/Mac) go for a mere $9.99 from today through Sepetember 26! As per usual, purchasing the full season makes ye eligible to receive the Collector's DVD for only the price of shipping the goods.

We want iOS afficionados to complete ye collections as each episode of Monkey Island Tales HD for the iPad is only $2.99 each until September 30! Make way to the iTunes App Store to plunder that treasure! 

Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5

So get to talkin' like a pirate today, put a limp in ye step, and wear ye best pirate garb - it be the one day of the year ye might not get as many weird looks! Arr! 

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