Cool Stuff: IGN Unboxes the Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy Limited Edition

TelltaleGamesTelltaleGames Former Telltale Staff

As Jurassic Park fans already know, the classic Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy DVD and Blu-Ray set launches on October 25 (hey, that's when Back to the Future: The Game hits the Nintendo Wii and Sony PlayStation 3 at retail too) and, along with the standard release, a sweet Limited Edition unleashes that same day. Jurassic Park: The Game comes out just a few weeks later, on November 15! The Ultimate Trilogy Limited Edition comes packed with a statue depicting a Tyrannosaurus Rex crashing through the famous Jurassic Park gates and is packed in a nice, crate-style box. 

But don't let me spoil the fun. IGN put together a little video showcasing the unboxing of the awesome box set featuring the actress that played Lex Murphy, Ariana Richards. Watch and enjoy! 

Jurassic Park: The Game launches on Xbox 360, PSN, PC, and Mac this November 15! 

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