Halloween at Telltale - A Costume Blog

Ok, I know we're a couple of days late in posting the awesomeness that is the variety of costumes some of the Telltale Team came dressed as on All Hallows' Eve but it was worth the wait!
Halloween is a lot of fun here at Telltale HQ and the spooky spirit of the day claws its way into nearly every bit of the office! This year was no exception, with folks pulling out all the stops on their ghastly garments for all to see - including you, the fair Telltale fans!
After the jump, find photos of all the creepy costumes the Telltale Team wore proudly!
So, without further ado, we present to you, the Telltale Halloween 2011! [readmore]
Alex as Elder Price and Andrew as an Arcade Machine
Becky as Pansy Parkinson and Bryan as White Goodman
Carl as a Rhombic Docahedron and Chuck as Tobias Funke
Dennis as Sonic the Hedgehog and Harrison as a Soviet Military Officer
Javier as Aviator Mickey Mouse and Jeff A. as Indiana Jones
Jeff S. as Hannibal Lecter and Jessica as Black Widow
Jolie as Sakura and Lazar as Meatwad
Leif as a Care Bear and Marat as an Ostrich Racer
Mark as Ico and Mary as Marlene Dietrich
Matt as the Phantom of the Opera and Nick H. as Cameron from Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Nick M. as Karl Hungus and Nora as American McGee's Alice
Paolo as Superman and Paul as Drunk Santa
Ryan as Walter White Heisenberg and Sean as Nathan Drake
Shaun as the Driver from Drive and Tulley as Sterling Archer
Me as Ghost of Alan
So there's what we were for Halloween, what were you this year?