Law & Order: Legacies Episode 3 Now Available on iOS - Save on the Complete Series With The Multi-Pa

Fans of Law & Order: Legacies can dive into another case featuring an all-star cast of characters from the Law & Order franchise's history now as Episode 3: Killer Smart is now available.
In Episode 3: Killer Smart, a greusome murder is under investstigation and the New York City detectives and prosecutors will have to deal with a manipulative suspect and his partner. You'll have to decide how to handle this vexing pair and bring them to justice.
The Law & Order: Legacies Universal app is now available in the iTunes App Store for $2.99 (includes Episode 1) with each subseqesent episode being available via in-app purchase for $2.99.
We've also unleashed a new "Multi-Pack" in-app purchase program for Law & Order: Legacies. Here's how it works: Purchase the Law & Order: Legacies Universal app (includes Episode 1) from the iTunes App Store for $2.99. From the episode select screen, swipe left and purchase the rest of the Law & Order: Legacies season (Episodes 2-7) for $12.99 - a savings of $4.95 from purchasing the episodes individually. You'll get access to the Episodes 2-3 immediately and Episodes 4-7 the moment they become available via in-app distribution.
Note: If you already own Law & Order: Legacies, re-start your iOS device to see the new content available for purchase. New purchasers of the Law & Order: Legacies Universal App will see this new content immediately.