Music extractor

edited April 2008 in Sam & Max
From where i can have TellTale Music
Extractor as i coudn't able to access this URL

Is there any site to get this extractor ? I need to extract audio part from CSI : Hard Evidence. Please help me out..... .ttarch files and .aud n .vox files are there . I ahve to extract and convert them into .wav/mp3 format


  • edited April 2008
  • edited April 2008
    it seems that the quick and easy software page you linked to is down...

    but besides that, the telltale music extractor is an unapproved and illegal game asset extractor... also, i believe that it only worked on a few early telltale titles and their recent games have more complex audio files to prevent them from being ripped by this type of software

    but if you want to know, the music and sfx files are the ones with the .aud suffix... i hope that helps (you should be able to find a good player program somewhere on the internet to play the files in their current state, but i am not linking to one)
  • edited April 2008
    Actually, it is LEGAL.
  • edited April 2008
    The whole Mojo has been down all day for me.
    I guess when they'll finally* be back up, that link will start to work again. :)

    * I want my "Secret History of Lucasart"-fix gotdammit :p

    Edit: It seems that they are up now. Ignorant as I am, I didn't check that before making this post...
  • edited April 2008
    Hehehe, I take pride in the fact that I have yet to use any body else's tools to extract the music and sound effects from the Sam and Max games. I've done it all on my own with a hex editor/viewer that I wrote a few years back as a high school senior programming project.

    My next challenge is to figure out the format Telltale uses to store the speech. While I know what codec they use, and have played around with the codec, they use their own unique header for the speech files that I have yet to fully figure out (or figure out to the point where I can convert the audio to a WAV). But my resolve is unwavering! I shall figure it out! And soon, I shall be able to listen to all the wonderful speech clips and laugh and chuckle at both my l33t hAx0r sk177z and the grand humour contained within the dialogue!

    I'm not entirely sure if the great folks at Telltale dislike that I'm poking my nose into their files, or even if they're indifferent, or feel honored that I love their work so much that I want to listen to it without having to launch the game (and suffer long loading and garbage collection times due to my crappy PC). And in the case that the programmers and devs feel honored and wish to help me in my endeavor... please don't give me any hints... at least not yet! Wait until I've been driven to the point where I've lost all sense of reality and sanity and decide to cosplay as a Soda Popper... then hints will be greatly appreciated.

    TL;DR: WOO!! Telltale rocks!! Hacking is fun!!
  • edited April 2008
    I don't think we have an official policy on this sort of thing but we do know that someone with enough curiosity and knowhow will rip apart our games (or any game for that matter). The main thing we ask is you don't distribute any assets that you extract. Also keep in mind that when it comes to the soundtrack we do release a commercial version of that which will be higher quality than in-game since they don't have to be compressed.

    And also don't forget we release a lot of tracks for free on the blog: (you'll have to poke around for them a bit, but they're there)
  • edited April 2008
    mikew wrote: »
    I don't think we have an official policy on this sort of thing but we do know that someone with enough curiosity and knowhow will rip apart our games (or any game for that matter). The main thing we ask is you don't distribute any assets that you extract. Also keep in mind that when it comes to the soundtrack we do release a commercial version of that which will be higher quality than in-game since they don't have to be compressed.

    And also don't forget we release a lot of tracks for free on the blog: (you'll have to poke around for them a bit, but they're there)

    Don't worry, I'd never distribute anything that I rip out. And while the soundtrack matches the ripped files as far as quality is concerned (or as far as I care for quality anyways) there are tracks on the soundtrack CDs that I wouldn't find by ripping them straight from the game (i.e. the music from Stinky's Past without the vinyl record filter applied to it), so there's still a good reason for me to purchase the soundtrack!
  • edited April 2008
    Although I'm a user of the MusicExtractor since the Bone games, that would never stop me from buying the real deal. I'm soooo looking forward to Jared's S2-set...
  • edited April 2008
    yeah, me, it gots all the box and artwork stuff going on..
  • edited April 2008
    and higher quality audio that the Music Extractor probably cannot get.
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