The Walking Dead: Episode Two Stats Revealed and an Episode Three Update

The Walking Dead: Episode Two – Starved for Help is chock-full of tough decisions for players to make, and if you've been following us on Twitter or keeping tabs on us on our Facebook page, you've probably seen some of the statistics we've been gathering from these choices and actions. Just like we did for Episode One, we've also created a video "tribute" to the decisions players like you have made in the latest episode of The Walking Dead, all so you can see where you stand amongst the masses on some of the game's dilemmas, including many bits that aren't reported at the end of the episode! Our favorite? Guess how many punches have been thrown at Andy St. John so far… Check out the video to find out!
In addition to this video, we wanted to give everyone a very important update. In July, we let everyone know that we were hard at work on Episode Three – Long Road Ahead, and our aim has been to have it ready towards the middle of August. Some of you may have thought this meant a hard date of August 15th, but we wanted to be as clear as we could to let you know the latest news on the release date. The team has finished play-testing and tuning, and we’re nearing final submission to our partners for certification on digital platforms. As soon as we hear back from our partners on when Episode Three will be available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace, PlayStation Network, PC, and Mac, we’re going to break that news to you right here.
We thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm as we make sure that this latest episode continues the heart-wrenching experience you’ve been enjoying with action and decisions that we hope are some of the most difficult, painful, shocking and horrifying that players will have ever seen in a video game. Until then, stay tuned for up to the minute updates on when our next episode will be available, and if you’re going to PAX Prime in Seattle at the end of this month, don’t miss our special presentation of Playing Dead LIVE!, where project leads Sean Vanaman and Jake Rodkin, and Gary Whitta, story consultant and writer of Episode Four: Around Every Corner discuss the series and answer questions from fans like you.
In the meantime, as the wait for Episode Three – Long Road Ahead nears its end, check out the latest stats video. Does knowing that thousands of other players made different choices get you chomping at the bit to try the episode their way? Hop back into the previous two episodes and get caught up before Episode Three hits in the coming weeks!