Curious What Could Be Lurking Around Every Corner in Ep 4 of The Walking Dead?

That walker’s getting a little too close to Clementine for comfort… and we can all blame the writer of The Walking Dead’s Episode Four, Gary Whitta. (@garywhitta)
If you’re following us on Twitter (@telltalegames), then you too may have already begun to worry for Clem’s safety in the forthcoming episode ‘Around Every Corner’ with the release of the episode’s first official screenshot.
Remember, THE TRAILER for Episode Four lands first THIS MONDAY at 12pm PST! Trust us, you WON'T WANT TO MISS IT!
While we don’t yet have a specific release date for the launch of the episode just yet, the episode is coming in October. Thank you for trusting that, like that walker shuffling towards Clem, ‘Around Every Corner’ is coming!
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