First screenshots for The Wolf Among Us

Greetings, mundies! Today we're excited to share the very first screenshots from The Wolf Among Us, the upcoming Telltale Games series based on Bill Willingham's FABLES comic books.
Get acquainted with Bigby, Colin, Bufkin and Fabletown below... and watch for further info coming out of E3 in June!
If you simply can't wait that long, be sure to check out our interview with Game Informer for some more teases.
"Even if you're a hardcore Fables fan who thinks you know what's coming, prepare for Telltale to surprise you. "We do a lot of clever storytelling moves that will leave Fables fans wondering what the hell is going on," Lead Designer Ryan Kaufman says. "Knowing how it all turns out [is] a weird advantage sometimes, [but it will leave you thinking], 'how do we get there?'"