"I can't believe they just went there" moments

edited April 2008 in Sam & Max
I just was noticing that both season finales had at least one moment that caused me to think or even in one case say out loud, "I can't believe they just went there"

In 106
When Sam & Max first get the unicorn and Superball tells them to rub it...harder

In 205
Both the monster strip-tease scene and Whizzer's special fire ability

So, what lines or gags made you think along these lines?


  • edited April 2008
    the whole bit in 106 about
    the unicorn
    was a massive "I cant believe they went there" joke.

    In 204, the comments/effects every time
    you cliekd on a toilet
    and simialrly in the whole series when you clicked
    on the firehydrant
  • edited April 2008
    There's an answering machine message in one of the episodes that made my jaw drop. Can't remember which episode off the top of my head, but I remember the joke as clear as I remember the Ocean Chimp's creed for worshiping feet.
    Machine: Hello, this message is for President Max? We appreciate your generous donation of blood for our blood drive, but we prefer it if people donated their OWN blood.
    Max: *disappointed* Aw, now what I am going to do with the gallons of monster blood I have?
    Sam: You could always open a grotess Slip-and-Slide.
    Max: *excited* That's a great idea, Sam! I'll call it "The Birth Canal."
  • edited April 2008
    yeah that joke was on the 202 answering machine... it was one of the things in addition to the "im calling to report an explosion" line that makes the 202 office my favorite one of the season
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