full season 2 set

edited April 2008 in Sam & Max
does anyone know when the full season 2 dvd is going to be released?


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    We're making it right now, if that helps? Last year it was released in the first half of Summer, if that helps?
  • edited April 2008
    cool, thanks. i'm just not sure if I should buy it now online or wait for the dvd to come out.
  • MelMel
    edited April 2008
    If you buy the whole season now to download, you'll be able to receive the Telltale DVD for just the cost of shipping when it's done (so you can play the games now and have a physical copy later).
  • edited April 2008
    I want anoter badge and magnet with it. XD
  • edited April 2008
    thats great, thanks for the info. im definately going to dowlnload it now that i know i will get a physical copy too.
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