Congrats Telltale!
I just admire you more and more as time goes by. I read on Next-gen that there will be released a title each month in the future. That's really great news (at least for me!) Now, you've got CSI, Bone2 AND Sam & Max2 on your hands. I'm really happy you've got the CSI licence, and that it probably will be retail version. I can see a lot of improvements there. And since I loved the first two, I'm definitely going to love this one.
Thank you very much for this great news.
Can't wait.
Damn I love you
Thank you very much for this great news.
Can't wait.
Damn I love you

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I guess this is the title Brendan Ferguson was working on...
I hope this won't slow down the works on S&M.
Domenico (diduz)
They're apparently expanding their team size to accomodate the amount of projects, so I wouldn't worry.
I wonder how long CSI has been in development? The "television license" has been hinted since the Telltale Now press release in June.
And yes, great news!
I'm really looking forward to experiencing what your engine is capable of with models based on actual humans, and no filesize restrictions as dictated by the online distribution model.
I know you probably can't say much, but I'm curious as to whether the plot / script of each CSI will be handed to you from the TV screenwrites, whether you're given some general plot outlines and write your own scripts, or it's some sort of collaboration between Telltale's writers and the TV show writers.
Did the TV actors voice their parts in the previous games? I assume if so, that they'll continue to do so for the Telltale ones?
1- They are already slow in the progress in releasing games
2- The game I played, Bone Vill was really nice and decently fun, have the taste of good old Lucas games BUT, TOO SHORT as everyone else said, and too easy to be a full game. about them commeting for a game every month, this raises the flag on the quality and effort put into that game.
3- The price, if you consider it as a short tale game, 19$ is way too much. I can get super games now for that price, and some few months old games for as low as 10$. I personally was over the moon when I heard about the company and their concept of adopting abandoned good old beloved characters, and I bough the game immediately, more as a support rather than anything else. Since its a new company, and we want to support it until it establishes its solid base. But if this is to continue, person has to reconsider seriously. I am not likely to pay 19$ a month to continue finishing the short tale game.
4- Is CSI their type of games? I feel it like a shift to be honest.
I am personally and old strong fan of Sam & Max, and please no one takes this personal or as a let down. But if the great Sam & Max adventure game is turned into short tales, I believe this will ruin the whole point. The original game was long, complete, and kind of difficult one. Converting it into a one like Bone Ville is well... like a short freeware game for kids really and does not suit the game popularity.
I hope this is only the beginning, and that they reconsider. I prefer to wait for another whole year and get a complete game, rather than splitting it into short episodes.
I didn't like the original Sam & Max game because I thought the puzzles were great or because I thought the gameplay was lengthy. I liked it because the characters and the story entertained me. That's what makes me want to go and buy a game, or even replay it. Not so I can say I have something to fill 20 hours of my free time. Naturally, if it's an enjoyable experience, I do like for it to last as long as possible (and $20 for two hours doesn't cut it, I'll admit), but 4-6 hours every few months, rather than 15 hours every 3 years is a better trade off. I do hope that gameplay time expands a little though, and that all can be adjusted with puzzle difficulty, mini-games, and extra interactions or clickables (i.e., like in Space Quest games where you get funny jokes every time you looked, smelled, tasted, etc. an object or person -- these things didn't further the story, but they did make the experience more enjoyable and longer). One of the things I disliked about Bone was the lack of clickable objects. Hopefully the next one will have more.
Yes - this is what I have been thinking, but haven't been able to put into words. It would make the experience richer. I understand that they want us to not get side-tracked and confused about what to do, but it would be nice to be able to interact with more stuff in the background.
Hopefully this lack of moronic big companies dictating the game will allow you to steer clear of those stupid dancing games (Lesiure Suit Larry was ruined by that... That and it wasn't even Larry, nor adventure), and focus entirely on it being of the adventure genre!
7 months is slow? And it was their first adventure release.
Hey, spring 2006
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