I really would love to see some blizzard franchise stories made.
Starcraft \ Warcraft \ Diablo.
If I had to choose between the 3, I would say starcraft.
Though Diablo would be the easiest if the story followed Tyreal and how he formed the horadrim with Decard Cain.
There is tons of lore to explore there.
In Starcraft the story of the 4 Major houses is a completely unexplored portion of the lore.
Or Jim Raynors and Tychus Findleys early start as robbers before Jim became the sherrif of Mar Sara.
I know it may never happen, but I think it would be wonderful to see the stories told through more of an interactive movie instead.
Blizzard also used to work with 3rd parties before, they may do so again if they like the idea enough.
Thread: What popular medium will Telltale conqer next?
Minecraft, Game of thrones and walking dead, those are some of the biggest things in the world rite nao and telltale has a piece off all of them! They need to do a Breaking bad game! That would be epic and im Sure Vince Gilligan and AMC wont mind!! what else?
Huge fan of Star Wars I know we have knights of the old republic but we know telltale can do a way better job! Like, comment of you agree!
Telltale really should think about a star trek series...Any era would be fine. There is much you can explore and its perfect for TTGs format. What do you guys think?
Thread: Idea: Telltale Should Make a Game Set Within the Arrowverse
Granted this could be tricky to pull off since DC Comics would have to license a character to Telltale and the CW would have to agree to make it canon to their Arrowverse.
It all started with the surprise hit TV series Arrow, followed by its superior spin-off The Flash and not long after that we got the animated web-series Vixen which is also set within the Arrowverse continuity. Soon we'll have yet another installment Legends of Tomorrow.
The Arrowverse is truly the best competitor to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. (Sorry but I don't have high expectations of DC's 'Extended Universe')
And with all the various spin-offs and characters and their stories weaving together its own unique universe and storyline I think it would be awesome if Telltale made a game on an untapped DC character and have it take place within the Arrowverse. This could present opportunities like having cameos from Stephen Amell and Grant Gustin (like they've already done in the animated spin-off Vixen and will do so again in* LoT*).
Telltale has already done an outstanding job working with comic book properties like Fables and The Walking Dead (Season 1), so no doubt they can do an equally amazing job if they got to expand upon the Arrowverse by making a superhero episodic game series set within the increasingly expansive Arrowverse continuity.
What do you think - should Telltale make a game canonically set within the Arrowverse? What DC character should they use? And would they do an overall good job at it?
I really want to back up the idea of a point an click based Doctor Who game. The way Telltale incorporates the player's decisions into a part of the story could go very very well with the Time Travel based theme of Doctor Who. The player could play as the doctor and have his own adventures separate from the show, and could choose to show off the doctor's light-hearted side or his dark, hateful side with difficult and moral decisions. I agree with @the_herbalist and honestly think that Telltale could incorporate an amazing take on the Doctor Who universe into a series of games, like it has with TWD and GOT.
Thread: Idea: Telltale Should Make a Game Set Within the Arrowverse
Granted this could be tricky to pull off since DC Comics would have… more to license a character to Telltale and the CW would have to agree to make it canon to their Arrowverse.
It all started with the surprise hit TV series Arrow, followed by its superior spin-off The Flash and not long after that we got the animated web-series Vixen which is also set within the Arrowverse continuity. Soon we'll have yet another installment Legends of Tomorrow.
The Arrowverse is truly the best competitor to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. (Sorry but I don't have high expectations of DC's 'Extended Universe')
And with all the various spin-offs and characters and their stories weaving together its own unique universe and storyline I think it would be awesome if Telltale made a game on an untapped DC character and have it take place within the Arrowverse. This could present opportunities l… [view original content]
Thread: Idea: Telltale Should Make a Game Set Within the Arrowverse
Granted this could be tricky to pull off since DC Comics would have… more to license a character to Telltale and the CW would have to agree to make it canon to their Arrowverse.
It all started with the surprise hit TV series Arrow, followed by its superior spin-off The Flash and not long after that we got the animated web-series Vixen which is also set within the Arrowverse continuity. Soon we'll have yet another installment Legends of Tomorrow.
The Arrowverse is truly the best competitor to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. (Sorry but I don't have high expectations of DC's 'Extended Universe')
And with all the various spin-offs and characters and their stories weaving together its own unique universe and storyline I think it would be awesome if Telltale made a game on an untapped DC character and have it take place within the Arrowverse. This could present opportunities l… [view original content]
I do suggest they make a Star Wars Telltale game also,I do agree with Demigodsicko.But i do have some other suggestions for Telltale.The Marvel team-up between Telltale and Marvel looks very promising.I would love if they did the same with DC (Batman comes to mind).This might seem like a stupid idea to most people,but one of the Star Wars episodes
could be about the new Star Wars Rebels.I know most people say the TV show is **** but i haven't seen it and a star wars episode about it could be a bit of fun. They should a bit more action to episodic games such as tales from the borderlands.
Did anybody mention Transformers? I mean, original, generation 1, Transformers, not the later crap. Japanese just made this game. It's called Transformers: Devastation. I loved TF cartoons from the 80's. I'd like to buy Transformers: Story Mode from TTG, instead minecraft.
Here's trailer:
As i think that GoT is the best game telltale have put together, i would love to see more medieval fantasy theme!! For example, Lord of the Rings, Troy, Gladiator, Robin Hood, 300 etc...
(One game i would love to see is The Witcher, imagine what Telltale and CD Project Red could create together!)
But a pirate theme could be awesome too! Could any imagine Pirates of Caribbean???
And if we are talking Sci-Fi, what about X-men, Aliens, Avatar or maybe THE MATRIX!!!!
i have tought about it myself. Telltale could do alot with the saw franchise! eg. making very difficult choices that acctually matter (unlike the konami saw games) and having multiple endings...
I would be very satisfied if they would acctually make a (episodic?) saw game!
I think if Telltale made a SAW game, it could be really cool! You get to play as two characters, one of them being a cop investigating the Jig… moresaw murderers, the other one a victim of Jigsaw. The cops objective is to investigate and find Jigsaw and it victims before they die, searching for clues and answersduring and the game. The victims task is to try to save as many people as possible (As in SAW VI/6), making difficult and moral choises, which TTG is really good at. You can change between the two characters whenever you want. The game has several endings, depending on how many people you save, and how fast you can find Jigsaw and his victims!
I was watching Fellowship of the Ring last night and there's SO much potential for story there. They could make a story that doesn't tie in at all to The Hobbit or LOTR with just original characters and it'd still be great!
Aliens is also a great choice, but I'm not sure where they could go with it, since the movies themselves have gone every plot route they could go already.
As i think that GoT is the best game telltale have put together, i would love to see more medieval fantasy theme!! For example, Lord of the … moreRings, Troy, Gladiator, Robin Hood, 300 etc...
(One game i would love to see is The Witcher, imagine what Telltale and CD Project Red could create together!)
But a pirate theme could be awesome too! Could any imagine Pirates of Caribbean???
And if we are talking Sci-Fi, what about X-men, Aliens, Avatar or maybe THE MATRIX!!!!
A star wars one would be brilliant, and I bet Disney would be ok with it, it would help with promoting the films.
My other suggestion is The Wire. Seriously for those who have seen the show(One of best of all time) then you know the potential there is for that.
Arrowverse- This would be my ultimate. You could either play as a lesser known DC character not yet introduced on the shows(Blue Beetle maybe)or a completely original character. You could have tons of cameos from both shows and an expansive universe.
Fallout- The Fallout Universe is a perfect place to expand upon. With so many different locales, they could either set it in someplace familiar(Capital Wasteland, Mojave Wasteland, Boston)or someplace unexplored(Los Angeles, New York, Chicago). Endless possibilities.
Mass Effect- An endless universe with infinite stories to tell.
Star Wars- Same as Mass Effect.
Silent Hill- After Silent Hills got cancelled, I need Telltale to make the series great again.
Elder Scrolls- Do I even need to explain this one.
Now there have been a fair amount (ALL AMAZING) games made by Telltale. And I can say they are all my favorites (My person is a tie between TFTBL and Got).
But here are a few I would want to possibly see in the future.
1: Assassin's Creed. I feel that this could actually be a very good TTG game. Instead of having a set story (Like ALL AC games) You choose your assassin and weaponry. And your allies. Maybe even choose between assassin and templar. This is something I want to see.
2: A game set in the world of Bioshock. I am a huge bioshock fan. I do not think this would ever happen. But I wouldn't be against it.
3: A pure horror game. If you are like me then you love games like the evil within. And I wan't one that is based around a subject like that, Everychoice is some ones like depending on it. Every choice can lead to you losing some one, or something.
4: A game set in the world of Marvel Or DC. I feel that would be great, Be a villian or hero in the start and slowly build up maybe? Just an idea I think would be cool.
5: Last but not least a game set in the world of Dead Island Or Dying Light. This. Would. Be. Amazing.
Now tell me what you think and the games you want to see TTG Make!
I would like a game about a Submarine commander. Every choices you make have an impact on the world.
Like a game based on the old TV-series SeaQuest DSV IMDB
Every situation demands a choice. and every choice would impact on your survival
I really would love to see some blizzard franchise stories made.
Starcraft \ Warcraft \ Diablo.
If I had to choose between the 3, I would say starcraft.
Though Diablo would be the easiest if the story followed Tyreal and how he formed the horadrim with Decard Cain.
There is tons of lore to explore there.
In Starcraft the story of the 4 Major houses is a completely unexplored portion of the lore.
Or Jim Raynors and Tychus Findleys early start as robbers before Jim became the sherrif of Mar Sara.
I know it may never happen, but I think it would be wonderful to see the stories told through more of an interactive movie instead.
Blizzard also used to work with 3rd parties before, they may do so again if they like the idea enough.
Lol jk
A tomb raider telltale game would be interesting
Thread: What popular medium will Telltale conqer next?
Minecraft, Game of thrones and walking dead, those are some of the biggest things in the world rite nao and telltale has a piece off all of them! They need to do a Breaking bad game! That would be epic and im Sure Vince Gilligan and AMC wont mind!! what else?
I'd rather they just finish the games they are doing now and then go back to TWAU
Huge fan of Star Wars I know we have knights of the old republic but we know telltale can do a way better job! Like, comment of you agree!
I can't be the only one who really doesn't want a Star Wars game by Telltale can I?
Better than KOTOR? Heresy!
Why not?
Thread: Star Trek series would be awesome!
Telltale really should think about a star trek series...Any era would be fine. There is much you can explore and its perfect for TTGs format. What do you guys think?
yes they should!!!!!! after all they made puzzle agent!
Thread: Idea: Telltale Should Make a Game Set Within the Arrowverse
Granted this could be tricky to pull off since DC Comics would have to license a character to Telltale and the CW would have to agree to make it canon to their Arrowverse.
It all started with the surprise hit TV series Arrow, followed by its superior spin-off The Flash and not long after that we got the animated web-series Vixen which is also set within the Arrowverse continuity. Soon we'll have yet another installment Legends of Tomorrow.
The Arrowverse is truly the best competitor to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. (Sorry but I don't have high expectations of DC's 'Extended Universe')
And with all the various spin-offs and characters and their stories weaving together its own unique universe and storyline I think it would be awesome if Telltale made a game on an untapped DC character and have it take place within the Arrowverse. This could present opportunities like having cameos from Stephen Amell and Grant Gustin (like they've already done in the animated spin-off Vixen and will do so again in* LoT*).
Telltale has already done an outstanding job working with comic book properties like Fables and The Walking Dead (Season 1), so no doubt they can do an equally amazing job if they got to expand upon the Arrowverse by making a superhero episodic game series set within the increasingly expansive Arrowverse continuity.
What do you think - should Telltale make a game canonically set within the Arrowverse? What DC character should they use? And would they do an overall good job at it?
I really want to back up the idea of a point an click based Doctor Who game. The way Telltale incorporates the player's decisions into a part of the story could go very very well with the Time Travel based theme of Doctor Who. The player could play as the doctor and have his own adventures separate from the show, and could choose to show off the doctor's light-hearted side or his dark, hateful side with difficult and moral decisions. I agree with @the_herbalist and honestly think that Telltale could incorporate an amazing take on the Doctor Who universe into a series of games, like it has with TWD and GOT.
It might be hard to make, but a TF2 story game would be good
Hmm... I love that series but no I wouldn't be a fan of this idea.
Pleaaseee do a starwars the old republic telltale game. Possibly as a young jedi following revan and malak into the mandalorian wars or something!
Only if they put John Constantine in it.
I do suggest they make a Star Wars Telltale game also,I do agree with Demigodsicko.But i do have some other suggestions for Telltale.The Marvel team-up between Telltale and Marvel looks very promising.I would love if they did the same with DC (Batman comes to mind).This might seem like a stupid idea to most people,but one of the Star Wars episodes
could be about the new Star Wars Rebels.I know most people say the TV show is **** but i haven't seen it and a star wars episode about it could be a bit of fun. They should a bit more action to episodic games such as tales from the borderlands.
Did anybody mention Transformers? I mean, original, generation 1, Transformers, not the later crap. Japanese just made this game. It's called Transformers: Devastation. I loved TF cartoons from the 80's. I'd like to buy Transformers: Story Mode from TTG, instead minecraft.
Here's trailer:
enter link description here
Edit. I guess, only kids roam here, crap-fed by michael bay.
As i think that GoT is the best game telltale have put together, i would love to see more medieval fantasy theme!! For example, Lord of the Rings, Troy, Gladiator, Robin Hood, 300 etc...
(One game i would love to see is The Witcher, imagine what Telltale and CD Project Red could create together!)
But a pirate theme could be awesome too! Could any imagine Pirates of Caribbean???
And if we are talking Sci-Fi, what about X-men, Aliens, Avatar or maybe THE MATRIX!!!!
i have tought about it myself. Telltale could do alot with the saw franchise! eg. making very difficult choices that acctually matter (unlike the konami saw games) and having multiple endings...
I would be very satisfied if they would acctually make a (episodic?) saw game!
I was watching Fellowship of the Ring last night and there's SO much potential for story there. They could make a story that doesn't tie in at all to The Hobbit or LOTR with just original characters and it'd still be great!
Aliens is also a great choice, but I'm not sure where they could go with it, since the movies themselves have gone every plot route they could go already.
Thread: TellTale...you HAVE to make a BREAKING BAD GAME!
seriously, make this happen!!!
The suggestions thread was literally on the front page...
Hmm troll
Im not a troll I just don't like the smartass hall moniter types is all.
A star wars one would be brilliant, and I bet Disney would be ok with it, it would help with promoting the films.
My other suggestion is The Wire. Seriously for those who have seen the show(One of best of all time) then you know the potential there is for that.
Thread: Would have a Telltale Super Mario Bros. been better than Minecraft?
What do you guys think?
Power rangers , Pokemon , Perhaps something involving the smurfs . After Mindcraft nothing TellTale creates next will shock me.
Redwall, Watership Down, and Mistmantle Chronicles. The possibilities are endless.
A Cory in the House game would be awesome.
Arrowverse- This would be my ultimate. You could either play as a lesser known DC character not yet introduced on the shows(Blue Beetle maybe)or a completely original character. You could have tons of cameos from both shows and an expansive universe.
Fallout- The Fallout Universe is a perfect place to expand upon. With so many different locales, they could either set it in someplace familiar(Capital Wasteland, Mojave Wasteland, Boston)or someplace unexplored(Los Angeles, New York, Chicago). Endless possibilities.
Mass Effect- An endless universe with infinite stories to tell.
Star Wars- Same as Mass Effect.
Silent Hill- After Silent Hills got cancelled, I need Telltale to make the series great again.
Elder Scrolls- Do I even need to explain this one.
The 100
Thread: 5 Telltale Games I Would Love To See
Now there have been a fair amount (ALL AMAZING) games made by Telltale. And I can say they are all my favorites (My person is a tie between TFTBL and Got).
But here are a few I would want to possibly see in the future.
1: Assassin's Creed. I feel that this could actually be a very good TTG game. Instead of having a set story (Like ALL AC games) You choose your assassin and weaponry. And your allies. Maybe even choose between assassin and templar. This is something I want to see.
2: A game set in the world of Bioshock. I am a huge bioshock fan. I do not think this would ever happen. But I wouldn't be against it.
3: A pure horror game. If you are like me then you love games like the evil within. And I wan't one that is based around a subject like that, Everychoice is some ones like depending on it. Every choice can lead to you losing some one, or something.
4: A game set in the world of Marvel Or DC. I feel that would be great, Be a villian or hero in the start and slowly build up maybe? Just an idea I think would be cool.
5: Last but not least a game set in the world of Dead Island Or Dying Light. This. Would. Be. Amazing.
Now tell me what you think and the games you want to see TTG Make!
You should post that in the "Games Telltale Should Make" thread
Also, I love bioshock and a bioshock telltale game would be sick.