Full overview of keyboard controls for Leap Motion integration


I'm the developer of GameWAVE (http://uwyn.com/gamewave), an application that allows you to play games with the Leap Motion controller (https://leapmotion.com) by just gesturing your hands around in the air. We provide a collection of game-specific configurations so that people can get started easily without having to set up anything (http://gawshare.com).

I just picked up The Wolf Among Us from Steam and thought it would be a great adventure game to post an official configuration for.

The basic controls are simple and nicely summarized in the game settings. However, when starting to play through the game, I stumbled into quicktime events that use other keys, not listed in the controls section.

Would it be possible to provide me with a complete list of the keys used for quicktime events and whether they're just single actions or have to be pressed repeatedly? That would be really helpful, without this it will be very difficult to finish this configuration and that would be a real shame. Apart from the quicktime events, it's a real pleasure to play with hand gestures.

Thanks a lot for the help,


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