Just wanted to make you feel sick!

edited May 2008 in Sam & Max
If you are reading this and you happen to have something to do with the development of Sam and Max, i must say something that maybe you have heard to sickness.
Sam and Max are addictively fun, awesomely well paced and disturbingly enjoyable.
You make my most desired video game features come true in every single release, thanks for sharing your effort and creativity with all of us, your work is as fun as it is inspiring.

(English is not my native language, but i bet mariachi Pedro would clarify any misspellings on my part)

Thanks for being so damned good!


PS. Thanks for being the first video game developers to make good use of Mexican Spanish, laughed to tears! cheers!


  • DanHDanH Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    Blak wrote: »
    PS. Thanks for being the first video game developers to make good use of Mexican Spanish, laughed to tears! cheers!

    Telltale Games - We love making Mexicans cry.

    Glad you liked it!
  • edited May 2008
    Is there anything else more fun to do in the world? (besides playing Sam and Max of course)
  • edited May 2008
    I can't quite explain why, but I suddenly feel like singing "I am your brother, your best friend forever..."
  • edited May 2008
    I can't quite explain why, but I suddenly feel like singing "I am your brother, your best friend forever..."

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