Updater,time attack and contests.



  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    Again, I'm sorry for any offence I may have caused, I simply dont know what goes on behind those doors and have to guess from what I've experianced and been taught. (corporate culture is changing so fast I cant keep up...)

    Glad you didn't mean it the way I think some people (including me!) read it. Sorry to counter-offend!
  • edited May 2008
    HWalsh wrote: »
    Where the hero is a space marine who is thawed out and lands on an alien planet with hostile aliens (that resemble dinosaurs) and must fight his way out...

    Sound familier? Sure it does. Its the same as Halo. Or Halflife 2. Or the movie Aliens.

    Not to mention the first FPS ever made, DOOM/2/3

    @ Jake: I really should have been more careful with the way I phrased it, the fault is mine, I'm glad to put this behind us, I'd really hate to be on TTG's s***list (lol, I can only imagine what horrible comments or eastereggs might be hidden in games about people TT hates...)

    I do still stand by my comments about how amazing you guys are with all your effects and animations that require no extra programs becides maya and T3!
  • edited May 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    Not to mention the first FPS ever made, DOOM/2/3

    The first FPS? I know Wolfenstein 3D predated Doom, but I'm not even sure if that was the first FPS...
  • edited May 2008
    REally? I was under the impression that Wolfensteign was based off DOOM...

    Well point still remains that it resembles games all the way back into the early 90s!
  • edited May 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    REally? I was under the impression that Wolfensteign was based off DOOM...

    Nope, Wolfenstein 3D was first, i think you got confused by Castle Wolfenstein?.
  • edited May 2008
    okay neither wolfenstein nor doom was the first fps game cause phantom predated both.
    i think the game was called phantom i have to check this. the name of the game is not important. the important fact is that there is a fps game out there which predates both games earlier mentioned.
  • edited May 2008
    According to wikipedia, the first one was probably Maze War.

    "It is not clear exactly when the first FPS was created. Maze War is the most likely candidate, but even its developer cannot remember exactly when it was produced. The initial development of Maze War probably occurred in the summer of 1973."

    Early ones after that: Phantom Slayer (1982), MIDI Maze (1987), Catacomb 3D (1991), Wolfenstein 3D (1992).
  • edited May 2008
    thanks quuux thats exactly what i wanted to correct in my post after doing some research. i was not far with phantom ok i forgot the second half ofd the title ;)
  • edited May 2008
    When pedantry is required, expect me. :D
  • edited May 2008

    quuux and I are both card (or sticker) carrying members of the ILoP
  • edited May 2008
    eh... we're already paying for the game at a great price... why would u want to pay more just for dumb extras... at that rate just make another episode..

    i don't like tom supermans idea at all. i think tom superman is secretly the real life counterpart to shambling corporate presence..

    pay 15 bux for an episode.. then pay 10 more bux to hear sam's speech module... then pay 50 cents for the walking stick.. and 50 cents to drive the desoto, and 50 cents to play the game, and 50 cents to see sam and max playing the game, and 50 more cents to see sam and max playing as max and sam playing the game, and 50 more cents to see sam play as max playing sam while max plays as sam playing max playing the game...

    As u can tell... i hate that whole charging for extra content crap. if u bought the game, then u should be gettin game and it's entirety, thats it.. if u have to pay for extra, it only means the developers hate making said game, and thus the game isn't being made out of love, no it's being made out of monopoly money...
  • edited May 2008
    You know, there was a documentary on Discovery Channel these days about the hidtory of gaming and, when they talked about the atmosphere at Atari(about the designers having fun in making games and the relaxed atmosphere) I immediately thought of Telltale Games. Heck, even the logo is red, too!
  • edited May 2008
    eh... we're already paying for the game at a great price... why would u want to pay more just for dumb extras... at that rate just make another episode..

    i don't like tom supermans idea at all. i think tom superman is secretly the real life counterpart to shambling corporate presence..

    pay 15 bux for an episode.. then pay 10 more bux to hear sam's speech module... then pay 50 cents for the walking stick.. and 50 cents to drive the desoto, and 50 cents to play the game, and 50 cents to see sam and max playing the game, and 50 more cents to see sam and max playing as max and sam playing the game, and 50 more cents to see sam play as max playing sam while max plays as sam playing max playing the game...

    As u can tell... i hate that whole charging for extra content crap. if u bought the game, then u should be gettin game and it's entirety, thats it.. if u have to pay for extra, it only means the developers hate making said game, and thus the game isn't being made out of love, no it's being made out of monopoly money...

    Even GTA is doing that in Xbox 360.
  • edited May 2008
    Even GTA is doing that in Xbox 360.

    Yeah, but it's more like a expansion pack since GTA 4 is a full game
  • edited May 2008
    Goalseil wrote: »
    Yeah, but it's more like a expansion pack since GTA 4 is a full game
    So extra easter eggs and side stories are not expansion packs and extra stuff for an episode that telltale did not have time for buy able for a price seems interesting?Who wouldn't like it if you could lose in big rigs.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    Molokov wrote: »
    The first FPS? I know Wolfenstein 3D predated Doom, but I'm not even sure if that was the first FPS...

    Also see id's catacomb 3d
  • edited May 2008

    Look, seriously, why do you keep bringing this back up?

    First, as a Game Designer, I agree with pretty much everyone else here. Charging for additional content is stupid unless it is something like an expansion pack. Also, just because someone else (Rockstar, Xbox, you name it) does something does not make that something right, smart, or even moral.

    There is a reason I dislike the xbox system, and it comes from the following fact. When I played Quake back in the day I didn't have to pay an additional fee to play it online. I just connected up online and shot people.

    When I played Call of Duty 4 for my PS3 all I had to do was log online and play people. I didn't pay anything.

    When I played Halo 3... I had to pay extra money to play online on top of already paying for my Hi-Speed internet access.

    So what of the above seems fair?

    Yeah, so just because Xbox does it, doesn't mean that TellTale should.
  • edited May 2008
    As u can tell... i hate that whole charging for extra content crap. if u bought the game, then u should be gettin game and it's entirety, thats it..
    i assume you didn't buy the horse armor for oblivion? :D

    anyway, i think extra content simply doesn't make sense for point and click adventures...stuff like easter eggs is nice to have but it doesn't add to gameplay. if i can buy a different outfit for sam, it doesn't change anything. in a rpg or fps you can always add extra weapons or quests or whatever. but adventures aren't about cutomizing your character or doing more damage...and if you want easter eggs like "making of"-videos, why not get them for free on the dvd after the season?
  • edited May 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    i assume you didn't buy the horse armor for oblivion? :D

    anyway, i think extra content simply doesn't make sense for point and click adventures...stuff like easter eggs is nice to have but it doesn't add to gameplay. if i can buy a different outfit for sam, it doesn't change anything. in a rpg or fps you can always add extra weapons or quests or whatever. but adventures aren't about cutomizing your character or doing more damage...and if you want easter eggs like "making of"-videos, why not get them for free on the dvd after the season?

    What about extra missions and features?
  • edited May 2008
    but what would the missions be for? in other games you play sidequests and get rewarded with cool stuff or exp or money...something like that. so the sidequest aids you in solving the main plot. in an adventure a task that doesn't get you anywhere is rather pointless. your only reward would be some dialogue, maybe with some good jokes. so why not include it in the main quest from the start...of course you could use it to unlock secret artwork, but i could also buy the sketchbook.
    the point is, that adventures get their play value from the story mostly and replaying it to find all extras isn't as much fun as in other genres, because you know the story after a few playthroughs...if you play through a resident evil or half-life several times, you already know the plot and you don't care anymore, but you still have some fun hunting extras, because you can do some zombie killing on the way.
  • edited May 2008
    Items for the museum that I suggested or a cool area to hang in.Or maybe a secret.
  • edited May 2008
    I agree with wisp, in adventure games side-quests are pointless unless they make the main game easier somehow. Though I wouldn't mind a mueseum, as tom put it, where when you find certain item hidden around the environment (perhaps not even showing as the 'interact' curser) you unlock items in the "museum" that give interesting tidbits about S+M, the comics, the series, or jokes about the earlier eppisodes.

    Using rediculous items on ppl/things would be an interesting way to unlock them, like the onion-shooter on stinky (yes I know that wasn't an acctual option but you get the point)

    That would increase the replay value tremendously. Though in an episodic game you really DONT want replay value so people will buy the next game faster and anticipate it more...
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