Steam purchased TWAU crashing

My problem is the same most people who got their game via steam supposedly have; the game persistently crashes every time I start it. I use windows 7 and do not have a xbox controller plugged in.
Now as I have read, the game normally is about 2 gb, while mine is shown as 1.2 gb, which is why I want to redownload the game via the TTG website. The thing is, since I purchased the game via steam, it is not listed on my TTG account (which I just now created), and so I can't do as I intended.
Maybe it's my blindness for not finding a way to register my steam version on this website (which in my opinion shouldn't even be necessary), but anyway, can anybody tell me how to do it?
Also, if you should see a blatant mistake in my thoughts, please say so so I can cry in the corner because I seemingly wasted 25 bucks...


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