Personal Theory Dump
I'd Like to hear people's personal full theories thus far.
They can be a combination of existing theories or completely new.
To start off here's my theory and thoughts on existing theories.
As of now I believe that killer has not been introduced. I do believe some existing characters are very high profile in the case however, the actual Fable behind it all has yet to be shown. So here's my list of high profile chaps.
1) The Hatted man.
The man I refer to this the first guy in line to see Ichabod or Snow (whomever they are waiting to see at the office). I'd like to talk about this guy before "RHG" because unlike "RHG" this is the only time he shows up. There are only two unnamed Fables shown in this Episode and the Hatted guy is the only one to only appear once (I'll say why this is a big deal when I talk more about "RHG"). But that's not all, if you look closer at his character model as Bigby walks by you can see that his jeans are the same color as the material found outside. BUT WAIT, there's more, if you look carefully at his leg you can see that one of his legs has either a patch or a hole in it with what looks like blood around it. And last but not least, as Bigby walks by he is the only one to react negatively. While Grendel and RHG just watch him past the Hatted man jumps a bit as though startled.
2) The Tweedles
These are the only named/ established characters whom I can't quite read. They are obviously working for someone with connections and possibly someone with connections to the crime. This is obvious because Faiths murder was kept secret from the public but somehow they knew about it. They knew that Faith was at Woodys house the night before and went there looking for something, they knew where to find Lawrence and when there to interrogate him too. They truly are the mystery here because the don't seem to know much more than that she was killed, but if they are working for the murderer then what's the point of tracking down these other characters for information. And if they for for someone else then how do they know about the murder?
3) Red Head Guy "RHG"
So this guy has been getting a whole lot of attention and the thread covering the "Boy who cried wolf" theories are absolutely exploding with theories on him. To be honest the theories on him blew my mind at first but there is one argument that shoots it down and I believes makes my Hatted man theory more favorable. Yes this guy is absolutely EVERYWHERE, but this causes problems. He is so everywhere that there are times where he is literally in two places at once and it happens at least twice, once as you arrive at Toad/ Woodys apt. in the beginning wher he is on the street and also driving the cab then the same thing happens as you get to the Tip Trap. Aside from that there is the theory that he is following Bigby and one of the pictures shown to "prove" this is that he is one guy stuck under the couch that Dee blocks the hallway with. But if RHG is following Bigby then how is he infront of him down a random hallway that Dee decided to run down.Sadly I think that he is just random filler to make spaces seem more alive, which leads back to the Hatted man. The Hatted man is the only other unnamed character who has been seen as a suspect, and his model was never reused. While RHG is all over town and even Grendel can be seen being reused outside the Tip Trap, HM only ever appears the one time outside the office. I find this incredible suspicious and the only thing I can think to explain this is that he is more than just a filler, he just hasn't been properly introduced yet.
Those are my high profile suspects, now my theories on the other characters.
The Woodsman.
With every fiber of my being believe that the Woodsman is completely innocent, just has a bad case of wrong place wrong time. I don't think after sustaining the damage he had taken during the first scenes he would have been capable of pulling off the rest of the crime. When you meet him at the bar the next day he seems completely relaxed even when he sees Bigby at the bar, the during their conversation he seems to show that he has nothing to hide, again very relaxed. It is not until he is told that Faith was dead that he gets nervous, but I don' this that this is because he did it. I think it's just as he says, because it looks like he did it. He fears for his life, he thinks that if people believe it was him it would be the absolute end for him. He runs not because he is guilty,but because he knows that no one would believe him and that it would be his end.
Crane (Headless Horseman Theory)
So people have this idea that in some way Crane is either behind the whole plot or deeply involved in it. Personally again he is a character whom I believe could go either way. One theory I've heard is that the murderer is the Headless Horseman (HH) and is leaving this heads as a sign to Crane showing that he is still after him and is getting closer. I don't really see this.
Although I don't believe Crane is a good guy I don't think he is directly involved with he murder. My take is this, Crane has bribed himself up the chain of command to become the Deputy Mayo,r even Bigby (whom no one would expect to have become the Sheriff) comments on his status pondering how the hell he got there. Knowing how he got there and that his house of cards could come falling down at anytime he is incredibly paranoid. Now when a head shows up on their door step he believes it is a sign for him. His PTSD from once being chased by the HH kicks in and he believes that someone is after him. Similar to Cpt. Hook, when he hears a clock he thinks it's the crocodile after him. But stills know that he can't say why because it would ruin all his hard work to get to the top.
Faith/ Snow
I believe that both of the "murder" victims are still alive.
Starting with Faith, when you first meet her you ask her who she works for twice and both times she replies with "these lips are sealed." Later after learning her ture identity you have the options to ask the mirror about her, her husband or her father. When you ask about her husband you see him near death as he should be, when you ask about her father you see an obvious corpse, but when you ask to see Faith the mirror shows nothing and replies: "Through powerful magic her whereabouts concealed. Unfortunately for you, these lips are sealed." The mirror will the say that the last part was not his preference in wording, that it was just how it had to be. This means that whatever power was stopping Faith for saying who she worked for is till on her and protecting its master. If she was just dead why would it matter? Then the main reasoning for Snow being alive is simply this. This story is a prequel to a series of comics in which Snow is still alive, unless this is a parallel universe she's alive. Then the final reason and lthis kinda goes for both of them. Then next Episode is called "Smoke and Mirrors." Smoke and mirrors are used to pull off illusions, tricks, ruses. I feel that this next episode is going to give way to proof that they two of them or at least one of them are still alive.
Just a dude sick of being trampled on by the system. I really feel for him and think he has every reason to be upset. Especially after you hear Snow talk about details of her job in your last cab ride with her. Please don't rip his arm off, he makes the saddest noises.
Honestly she is just an innocent stuck in the middle of all of this, however, I believe that her missing sister may play a bigger part later down the line.
Ok, I lied, I do think that the one behind it tall has been introduced. He's the one character who seems to have flown under everyones radar.
When you talk to Colin he shows disdain for Bigby several times during the conversation, he refers to know how Bigby feels about Snow and knows that anything that happened to her would destroy him. He is also no there when Bigby wakes up. My theory (semi-jokingly) is that after Bigby falls asleep Colin leaves, and takes Bigbys name back off the list of residents. Then when Faith comes to visit (as she said she would) she can't figure out where Bigby lives and leaves. Colin, who was waiting to nab Snow, sees that Faith was looking for Bigby decides to kidnap her instead and places a magic lookalike head with the ribbon and ring to send Bigby on a wild goose hunt while he resets his plan for Snow. The Tweedles, hired out of paranoia by Crane are set out to find if the HH is behind it after all. Everything else that happens is just coincidence. Lawrence had tried to kill himself well before Faith went missing so that can't be related. Eventually Snow leaves Bigbys side and Colin can finally hatch his finally plan, kidnaps Snow and leaves another head this time resembling Snow.
Revenge for his fallen house is finally accomplished
I don't think Crane is responsible. He's a jerk, but it's not him.
And it's not Colin, he wouldn't be able to pick up an ax and he and Bigby are friends, sorta.
So in that "Final Theory" part I put something down.
That section was originally meant as a sort of joke (I don't really think that Colin did it) but there is one thing I put in there that actually makes sense.
That is that the Tweedles where hired by Crane. And the more I think about it the more my theory that Crane is afraid the HH is after him again makes sense.
Crane is obviously very flustered by the whole happening, I'd say more than he needs to be. He's afraid of something and he really wants this case solved quickly.
The Tweedles where hired by someone who knew what happened, and as far as we know the only ones who know what happened are Crane, Snow, Bigby, and the culprit.
We know neither Snow or Bigby hired them and it would make no sense for the person who did it to hire someone to solve the case. The only one left is Crane, if you need more prood he even says to Bigby and Snow: "If you can't menage [this case], I'll find someone who can."
I never said it was Crane, I said that he is a bad dude who used bad political tactics to get himself to the top and is now afraid of it falling away from him. Afraid of losing his head or even worse, his high ranking and importance.
Anyone who knows his story knows that he was a show off and took great pleasure in been above others.
And as I said the Colin thing was kinda a joke.
I totally agree with it. I mean dee even said it was confidential on who hired him and as you pointed out Crane said he might someone find someone who can find what happend. Also, this confirms my first theory I had on the headless horseman ''pact''. Basically, I think a deal was made in the past by Crane with either a witch or someone similar and it's possible that he got warned he would have to pay the price later, but he was not told in which way. Now it's possible that the horseman kidnapped snow-white and faith and is keeping them prisoners in a magic prison and used glamour to change other heads in order to cause fear. Why is he doing this? Maybe he has no choice , maybe he's just following orders from someone behind the curtain
I'm still not sold on the HH be directly involved, I like thinking that they [the producers] want us to think this and I think that Ichabod believes ot too but I don't think that he is
Im with you, as its really obvious that FAITH is alive as the mirror says as much and shows us a dead father so we know death is not an issue but magic is and we know snow is the love interest so shes coming back and we know that the horseman is magic and the woodsman axe is too so quite probable they are all alive. Why is this happening? well probably to silence them temp. as they found out about the mayors plan to expose or kill all fables or return to the homeland or hes just mental lol
Like I said in my explanation, I'm still not sold on The HH really being involved and I definately don't think that Crane is involved.
Though the prior theory is just a hunch I have good reasoning for the latter.
The murder scares Crane, scares him so much that he hires the tweedles behind bigbys back to try to solve the murder faster. And I don't think him hiring the Tweedles is meant to through people off his trail either (make him look more innocent) because if it was then why would he want their hiring to be kept secret.
Long story short, as I said in the long explaination, Crane is a bad guy but he isn't THE bad guy
About that axe thing... I get that it's a joke but if he wears a glamour why wouldn't he be able to do it?
With the glamour used in this world almost anything is possible.
But while I really like the idea of Colin being the guy, I mean he has a motive, I find it very unlikely.
We'll see though
But if Crane hired Dum and Dee, then why are they going to the bar to tell people there what they've found out? Doesn't Crane want Woodsman to be captured? And who are they actually working there, because they certainly know that Faith is "dead" so if they'd work for Woodsman why wouldn't he know about that? Or is it that the he thought she's alive cause she actually isn't dead at all like you said in the first place? But wouldn't he know the whole story then?
Somehow I think that they're actually looking for Holly's sister. Maybe they're also involved some other way, but Grendel is the only person at the bar I can see to be actually looking for a girl out there. Girl which name was never mentioned at the bar scene. Don't know how they know about Faiths dead or why are they involved with Lawrence though. And what about that guy that Lawrence was accusing about Faiths murder? Who's that guy?
Colin can't afford it. He's also not a killer.
Ok I'm going to first start off with the titles of the episodes and work from there.
The Wolf Among Us - Could suggest that there is killer on the loose ( which we know now) or could mean a literal wolf ( either Bigby or a werewolf)
Faith - As we now that is the name of the woman that were murdered
Smoke and Mirrors - I agree with your theory that there is some deception being used, possibly eluding to a person versed in the magical arts or someone pretending to be something they're not ( also could elude to the werewolf theory)
Crooked Mile - Crooked being the key word suggests something criminal maybe someone with Criminal Connections knows who the killer is possibly eluding to Bluebeard and having to deal with him.
In Sheep's Clothing - Could suggest that the person behind the murders is someone the people in fabletown trust and hold in high regard or could suggest that there is someone who appears to be a humanoid but turns out to be a werewolf ( at the end of the first episode you see something that resembles bigby but with more hair and Toad says " Bigby is that you"? )
Cry Wolf Like the old fable the townsfolk don't believe there is a werewolf amongst them and they don't trust bigby because of his past transgressions
What I've seen so far
The first victim has been identified as the princess of the fable "Donkey skin girl" who goes by the name Faith. When asked who she works for she can't answer the question due to a magical spell, but she does give us a clue, her purple ribbon and if you notice at the end of the ribbon you see lip prints. When I saw that I thought about a prince kissing the princess to wake her from her slumber. Could that suggest that a prince was her pimp?
Her Family
Father - deceased ( don't know the reason for death could have been in a battle or someone was trying to kill off the rest of Faith's family)
Mother - deceased ( was ill)
Husband - depending on your choice either dies or is alive
Faith escaped to Fabletown with her husband, Prince Lawerence. If you decide to visit the apartment first you can question Lawerence. He says that he is a burden to Faith and if he killed himself she would be free of that. Could it suggest that he owed money to someone? Possibly Bluebeard?
In the apartment, it seems that someone tampered with the crime scene. When questioning Lawerence he tells you he shot himself, the bullet hole behind the chair backs up his story, but it's the things around the chair that have wondering. Why is there a dagger on the floor with a blood of blood around it? Why is Lawerence's hand cut open? Why are there sleeping pills on the night stand? Did someone try to speed up the process of Lawerence's death by draining all his blood?
Now let's look at the apartment itself. if you chose to visit the apartment first you see that it's locked and the only way in is through a window behind Lawerence's chair. There are three possibilities in which the tamperer gained access to the apartment.
1- They already had access to the place
2- Lawerence says that Faith would check in on him from time to time so there was a chance that the killer could have followed faith back to the apartment and while she was opening the door forced their way into the room.
3- If you go to the apartment first you will have to get inside by sneaking through a window. That may have been the tamperer's route of access as well.
Now let's look at the suicide note and it's placement. It's placed on the bed instead of on the nightstand or close to Lawerence. So that suggests a few things
1- Someone saw the letter and placed it on the bed
2- Lawerence was on the bed when he attempted suicide
While we're talking about the pull down bed, why is there a pool of blood on the corner of the bed and underneath the bed? Is that lawerence's blood? Faith's murder sight or maybe the tamperer's blood?
I think it might have been the tamperer's blood. There are no signs of a struggle in the apartment, but maybe after the murderer killed faith they paid a visit to her old apartment, dressed the wound there and made sure that lawerence would die quickly by cutting his hand to bleed him out.
Now to let's focus on the Woodland Apartment crime scenes.
The victims were both women and came from royal backgrounds either were born into royalty or married into it.
The victims heads were both placed on the steps of the apartment building suggesting that the person behind the murders was sending someone a message.
Bigby notes that the weapon in question was either something very sharp or had magic attached to it.
Both victims were killed at night or early morning
Both victims were connected to Bigby although Bigby can't place where he knows Faith from.
The Suspects
I. Crane - Deputy Mayor of Fabletown, as Snow puts it he doesn't want to be bothered with the problems of the people this is backed up by Gren when he explains that when Holly's sister went missing it was all red tape and they did nothing to find her sister.
In the first episode comes off as an A-hole, if he's not belittling the people under him ( Snow and Bigby) he's off to get a massage.
You only see him once and that is in the early morning. He would have the time to commit the murders, but there appears to be no injuries or ripped clothing .
Woody- The nemesis of Bigby was last seen with Faith. Woody and Faith were in Woody's room, he was beating on her before Bigby intervened. His weapon of choice is an ax. He was last seen at the Trip Trap Bar, Gren says Woody has been at the bar the whole day, but that's not entirely true because Gren was waiting to speak with Crane or Snow during the morning. Woody may know who Faith's pimp is, but I don't think he murdered her.
The Tweedles- Seem to be the muscle for their employer. The Tweedles have some interest in the case Bigby is working on and they know something about it, but they're not giving up what they know. The only thing Dee says is that he needs to ask Woody some questions and that Bigby needs to do more research and look through the books. Dee and Dumb are after something though when questioned they won't specify what that something is. Could it be money, some sort of magical tome, or a location to something?
Toad- He knows something and is trying to hide it. Yes the Tweedles did come to the apartment where Woody was staying, but I think the person who threatened to kill TJ was someone else. Case and Point the Tweedles aren't graceful instead of trying to finesse their way into a building they just barge in. I.E. when Dee kicks in the door at the Lawerence residents also they can't easily climb through windows, their stocky bodies hinder that. Also when you go to visit Toad first, Dumb doesn't come back down the stairs to run back to Toads room to escape through the window because he would run into Bigby also if you visit Toad last there wouldn't be a need for him to escape out the window he could just walk out the door, it's not the greatest area so it's not like the police would come promptly to stop the Tweedles. I think whoever climbed out the window was stabbed by toad with the poker ( notice that the blood covers a good portion of the poker and not just one side of it as if someone was struck by it). Toad probably is still lying to protect TJ.
Beauty - Something is odd about her relationship with Beast. She is out at strange hours of the night and she says she's not cheating on Beast and will explain everything in time.
Beast- Seems like there are some issues between him and Beauty. He's trying to find her.
The Red Haired Stranger - We see him often throughout the episode though he only greets Snow before she shows Bigby the remains of Faith. As show in some other threads his tie seems to hint who his identity is. If you look on his tie there are shepherds crooks on it so the character might be a shepherd from one of the fables. Snow also has designs on her blouse to indicate who she is without her having to say her name. This character must play some role in all of this though I won't say he did this because there are not wounds from hopping over a fence or ripped jeans.
The Unknown fable outside Crane's office- Has ripped jeans and there seems to be a tourniquet around his left leg. Could possibly be the killer.
Bluebeard- A villain with lots of money and has ties in the criminal underworld he probably knows something, though didn't commit the murder.
My theory
I don't think the killer is from one of the fables Bigby is in, though I do believe that before the fables escaped their homeworld Bigby knew someone that is the killer. Bigby is a werewolf and how do you get more werewolves? By biting them. So Bigby could have bitten a fable and now they're a werewolf though no one knows that they are... which would lead itself to the title The Wolf Among Us ,In Sheep's Clothing, and Cry Wolf
or it could just be someone from their past that everyone thinks is an upstanding person who really is a cold blooded killer
Now I'd just like to say that since I created the "RHG theory" there's been many modifications made to the actual investigation(1st post) , due to the high amount of people which contributed with very good arguments. Right at this moment , I kind of doubt he is the actual killer , but I am close to 100% sure that he takes a significant role in the murders. (such as a spy/informer)
Now , one thing I'd like you to consider is that there's powerful magic involved in the mystery , so it's most likely that there's not just one , but a whole "gang" that brings the chaos to Fabletown.
About the "Hatted man" , I also noticed that he reacts nervously when you pass near him in the hallway. I noticed that one of his legs look injured , but the jeans he was wearing don't match the color of the fabric (at least for what I've seen). Even so , the injured leg and the nervous reaction are big clues , so I agree with this theory.
Right now , I encourage people to understand that there's much more to see from the upcoming episodes , and what we draw right now from Episode 1 are just ... theories. Hopefully , the more episodes come out , the more evidence/clues we'll find. Telltale is very good at creating unpredictable events , but I'd be very happy to see if we can actually work as a community and dig the mystery out before the last episode gets released
Colin points out that most of the people in Fabletown fear Bigby so not everyone will react in the same way when they see Bigby. So the dark hair dude could be uneasy because he's the big bad wolf.
I really like the title of the 2nd episode "Smoke and Mirrors". Sounds like it's gonna be even more mystery than in the 1st one.
Agreed. Besides , he looked kind of shy anyway. However ... the injured leg could mean something. Can't put a finger on it , so i'll just say "pass..." about this guy. Maybe we'll hear more from him in ep2
Bigby isn't traditional werewolf, he's a wolf that became human through magic. He can't turn others into Werewolves.
well I understand that he is a werewolf through magic, but is there something that states that he can't?
I can't wait for the next episode ... I played Faith episode 5 times now.
it will be interesting to see what we find out.
Yes, he a bitten several people and they have never turned into werewolves. Werewolves do exist in the Fables universe though.
oooo so I my theory can still hold up w00t w00t!
Yes. Just not the part where Bigby turned them into one. But yes, it's possible a werewolf could show up.
I agree that there is a bigger force behind this and I do not think that there is only one behind this.
When it comes to your RHG theory verses my Hatted man theory it comes down to this: RHG is literally EVERYWHERE in this episode. He is so everywhere that he is actually in two places at once a few times which makes me feel as though there is a good chance that he is only a background filler in. The Hatted man however only shows up the one time, in line at the Office where he is the only one to react negatively to Bigby. And I understand people argue that this is only because many Fables are afraid of him but if that is the reason then does it seem like he is the only character in the whole episode to react this way.
I really love how you've connected RHG to the boy who cried wolf and was able to connect that to the titles of the episodes but the problem there is that you say he is only a minor part, if he is only a minor part then why would the episodes be named after him.
I think Bigby's father the North Wind is going to play a part in the series, they mention him in the Bigby's Vengence Book of fable card so there must be a reason behind that.
I can't wait for cry wolf it looks like a sick episode.
One explanation for RHG that I've come up with is loosely based off a theory I read that Red Ridding Hood is the villain.
I don't remember who it was who proposed the Red villain theory but basically he theorized that Red was the villain based from how Colin says that Fabletown is a place to new beginnings. So just as Bigby was evil and has now become good the villain is likely someone who was once good and will now turn evil. Saying that, Red is one of the only "good" characters shown in the book whom we don't know where they are. Also Bigby says "I don't think she made it out" meaning her whereabouts are not 100% known.
So that theory follows the idea that everyone on the illustrated book page is involved.
That brings me to the final stretch of my RHG theory. Through-out the first episode you run into him 7 times. In the book there is one group of 7... The 7 dwarfs.