Found on the Budget Rack

edited May 2008 in Sam & Max
I was at Walmart today and found Sam and Max Season 1 Episodes 1-3 on the budget software rack for $10. I was really suprised to see it there, any idea how long it's been out? Did anyone else have any idea this was out?

It has no extras but there's a cool new Max icon that launches all three games. So this would now be the fourth time I've bought these same games :) I wonder if they plan to do the same for the rest of Season 1.


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    It's pretty new, we just approved the packaging at the beginning of April so it probably only just hit the shelves. I don't think there's also going to be an episode 4-6 pack.

    Also I think this is exclusive to Walmart.
  • edited May 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    It's pretty new, we just approved the packaging at the beginning of April so it probably only just hit the shelves. I don't think there's also going to be an episode 4-6 pack.

    Also I think this is exclusive to Walmart.

    My wife bought this one for my dog, (cough, cough, bark) and I loaded it, but Max keeps crashing the limo into the picture-tube and rebooting my system. I was wondering if these Wally-World special levels 101-103 are from the new 3d engine design version of Episode One, or if it is the old one.
    IF they aren't new I'm going to Bosco's !
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    They are the same builds as the ones on the original retail disc, so there shouldn't be any technical problems present in the game that weren't present before.

    If you post in the support forum with your specs and explain where it's crashing, someone will help you. :)
  • edited May 2008
    Could you share pictures of the packaging? Thanks.
  • edited May 2008
    I went ahead and picked this up to add to my collection. Quite honestly, I would say that this package is for die-hard collector's and the uninformed only. The packaging is all rehashed, and no new content that I can see (even the Max icon has already been used before on a patch file).

    The idea of putting episodes 1-3 on the disc at a budget price could have been a great idea, but it's not, since there are no plans for a 4-6 release. Also, the link on the startup program, 'Get Episodes 4-6 Now', takes the user to the main Sam & Max page, where you would then have to buy episodes 4-6 individually, or the whole season. It would have been really nice if Telltale would have linked this CD to a special 4-6 bundle pack, but that isn't the case.

    I wouldn't recommend this package to anyone who is just getting into the games, I can only guess that some people will be very upset when they realize they only have half the season (even though it is stated on the box).
  • edited May 2008
    We didn't make the disc, so we really didn't get much choice about where to link it, I'm afraid.
  • edited May 2008
    I bought one of those at Wal Mart the other day, my first exposure to Sam and Max! I was thoroughly impressed.

    However, it would be nice to somehow tie this to my account. As it stands, I can download 104 for free, pay for 105 and 106 but it looks like the only option to get the "bonus disc" will be at full price.
  • edited May 2008
    I think they should have stuck with selling all the episodes together. Hasn't the whole retail season gone down in price anyways? No need for a "budget" version. Next thing you know we'll start seeing single episodes in the bottom of a giant "blowout" bin.
  • edited May 2008

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