my 3 suspects

Mostly when there's a mystery going on and there's a culprit, the culprit is always in the first episode if the second episode takes a week or more to be open for people to play. So I think 2 people could be responsible

  1. The Ginger Dude
    This guy was at the bar in the first episode. He didn't seem to fear Bigby at all. Since he doesn't fear him, he would have no trouble placing a cut off/ripped off head in front of his apartment.
    I noticed he has no eye which might explain the blood on the gate you can find if you choose to investigate Faith's murder.
    If I remember correctly, he mentioned that when something happened to her sister, the police did nothing. First he killed a prostitute (faith) and then Snow.

I think he's the murderer. But maybe there are 2 murderers

My 2nd suspect is the mayor because he mentioned in the sneak peek at the next episode that there's a serial killer and it's one of us. We barely know this guy.
He said that if Bigby couldn't take control of the situation, he would find someone who can. This could mean he's trying to get rid of Bigby or something. As I said, We barely know him

my 3rd suspect is Colin the pig.
Colin could be involved. He didn't really like Bigby at the apartment and he looks at the police similarily to the Ginger Dude.
If Colin is involved then he couldn't be alone. He couldn't had cut off the heads

I think these suspects could actually be working together with Bluebeard. Maybe Bluebeard promised that if they would do some stuff, they'd get a reward. maybe Ginger Dude killed, while the mayor covered up evidence and Colin delivered the head. it could work together. Ginger Dude could form into a being that's strong enough to rip off a human head (which would explain how weirdly the head was cut off). Ginger Dude was fighting at the bar when Snow was found at the doorsteps. this could be because he killed Snow, Delivered it to Colin, and went for a drink at Trip Trap. (Maybe Colin put the head on the steps because he had nothing to lose(colin putting heads on doorsteps could lead to evidence towards him))

I think this theory could be the answer to the murders.

I hope you learned something from this. Please comment on if I used wrong names, forgot to add something or anything like that.


  • I actually have 4 suspects, i realised that they could've all worked together when i was writing this so hope that doesn't confuse you.

  • The ginger dude i'm talking about is the guy you fight in the bar. idk if he's ginger or not, i just remember him being ginger

  • You mean Gren(del). He couldn't have done it. Only if he could be at 2 places at the same time. The timescale of Snows murder is the same as Bigbys bar visit. And his right eye is white, I guess his Glamour is running out, that's why he's sitting there looking down most of the time.
    The mayor, well, I dunno. Doesn't make sense when he wants Bigby to find the killer and "one of us" is just because the killer probably is a fable as well.
    As for Colin, why would he do something like this? It doesn't seem like he hates Bigby, he's just not that happy about being sent to the Farm.

    The ginger dude i'm talking about is the guy you fight in the bar. idk if he's ginger or not, i just remember him being ginger

  • edited October 2013

    thank you for telling me your opinion. but some of what you say wasn't very well explained on how i think this could be. so i'll explain it now.

    what i think is that Gren(del) killed snow, sent it to the mayor to remove evidence, then it was sent to Colin where he would deliver the head on the right time.
    his eye could be white because he stung his pupil on that fence and he's looking down because he might not like killing.
    the mayor tells them to find the killer so he wont be suspected. and i'm not sure what he meant by "one of us".
    Colin doesn't think it's good being a big bad wolf. you probably remember Colin blaming him for destroying his house. plus, he's not happy about being sent to the farm.

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