What were your results..and why?

edited October 2013 in The Wolf Among Us

For me when i first started the game its was trying to be the good guy..my decisions were trying to ask questions to faith, which came to no avail since she literally blew me off and walked away but i gave her the money i had seeing it was best. Second event was which area i should go next..i decided prince Lawrence seeing so many people say it sucks, i decided to see for myself. Far from what idiots said about this area i discovered his accident and heard a clue from him when i asked him some questions..of a name i can lead on.For beauty, i knew she wouldn't betray her husband by any means so yes i lied to protect her..plus i wanted to be a dick to beast with the silence option and it was my favorite scene of the episode lol. Lastly, i chose the tweedle because he not only beat me up but he knows something, i dint pick the huntsman because i don't think he knew anything and was just scared. However, why would dee search around his apartment for something? I don't know, but one things for sure justice will come for snow white, she was my fav in the comics. Ok so what were your choices?


  • edited October 2013

    It's a bit hard to find since it slipped onto Page 2, but we already have a thread discussing which choices you made during the game.

    If we could keep the conversation there rather than having multiple threads about the same thing, it'd be much appreciated.

    Disclaimer: Moderators on this forum are volunteers from the community and are not employees of the company. Our posts merely express our personal opinion and should not be mistaken for official company statements.

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