Suggestion to Telltale - Buy the rights to Grim Fandango!!
Please buy the rights to Grim Fandango and make a season of it!
I know I'm not alone here thinking it would be really cool!
I know I'm not alone here thinking it would be really cool!
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yeah lucas arts dont sell licences......
That's not to say I don't like Grim Fandango, though. In fact I love it.
No, I just don't care. You really like trying to crush people's dreams don't you Chris ;_;
Anyway no matter how unfeasible it may be, seeing another Grim Fandango, be it a spin-off, sequel, or remake would be awesome.
I wouldnt love to see a sequel. Unleeess it was vastly unrelated yet related. Maybe the other side of life ? Chubby Cherub anyone? old nes lovers know what I mean sigh... ok
Seriously Grim was and is a great game. Lets keep it that way.
I know the creator of "The Tick"... Ben Edlund is more than looking for a way to get the tick back in the lime light... tick... lime/lyme... sigh, I had to make the joke sue me. You just cant use the morning cartoon versions of the characters, which leaves the live tv series characters (who I thought were more adult and funny)
Or you have "The GreenSky Trilogy" from Zilpha Keatley Snyder. I know this author and she is currently in MOVIE rights for Below the root.. and since the game was originally on c64 as a flat out platformer with a great storyline, Id shutter to think how hard it would be to get fans soaring above the trees in their flying squirrel type clothing.
Go read the book or dont :P I know these two games would make money though.
Or telltale could redo The Adventures of Fatman.. the batman adventure not the oddball FATMAN game
This would sell like hotcakes!!!! I knows' it!
Ciao and glad you like grim.. I too love it.
no votes for the cherub ? dag...
Or even better, maybe the upcoming Neverhood movie will be a big hit, and TenNapel will do a sequel himself.
In my wishful world, TT has a budget the size of Bill Gates' annual income, and open access to every adventure franchise known to man.
Totally agree here. There is no reason to continue Grim Fandango (a great game and a great ending) and it just doesn't fit the format of games TaleTell creates.
Besides, if someone had buy the rights for it, Double Fine Productions should be the ones to do so...