Sybil's Tattoos

edited May 2008 in Sam & Max
I'm trying to nail what Sybil's forearm tattoos look like so I can do a decent job with my Sybil cosplay at Comic-Con. I was hoping you guys (perhaps especially y'all at TTG) could tell me if you think I've drawn it right.

Obviously this image was my main visual source. But the way the lines overlap eachother (with the spaces breaking them up) seemed inconsistent. So I modified it a little to mimic a sort of Celtic knot kind of thing. (I would do these mirror image from eachother on my arms btw.) And I *guess* the line at the bottom goes all the way around the wrist? Is there only one line because in the illustration her right wrist seems to have two bands. :confused: This is the kind of thing that's been confusing me.

Thanks! (And I'm really sorry if this is the wrong board for this.)


  • edited May 2008
    Perhaps this will help:
    Attachment not found.
  • edited May 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    Perhaps this will help:

    Thanks...the lines cross at the top in that illustration though. But this version would be easier to paint onto myself, lol. ;) Especially with my wrong hand.
  • edited May 2008
    I just grabbed that from Sybil's arm texture, so that should be about as official as it gets for replicating the game :)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    You will come by our booth and let us take a zillion pictures of you, right? RIGHT?!
  • edited May 2008
    I second the demand for pictures and lots of them!
  • edited May 2008
    Heh it would be pretty sad if she came dressed as Sybil and never came to our booth :)
  • edited May 2008
    It never ceases to amaze me what you TT ppl will do for your fans. First the top-down Desoto, now this... How do you have time to work? (lol)
  • edited May 2008
    This is their work!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    xChri5x wrote: »
    This is their work!

    It would be weird if our job consisted entirely of digging out textures for people! But its fun and easy to do, so hey!
  • edited May 2008
    Did you guys see what else I did?

    This and this. Let me know if you want one, I'm planning on making a few extras. ;)
  • edited May 2008
    Not that those are needed, Sam & Max were able to breathe just fine in 106.
  • edited May 2008
    Unlike those sissy astronauts.
  • edited May 2008
    Avel wrote: »
    Unlike those sissy astronauts.

    They actually faked the original moon landing, which was portrayed as being similar to the real moon landing. The astronauts on that original, secret mission discovered that there's actually a livable atmosphere on the moon. In order to monopolize the moon for secret future projects, they 'eliminated' the original moon landing astronauts and faked multiple moon landings to make it appear that the moon was unsurvivable without complex and expensive equipment.

    The more you know.
  • edited May 2008
    Yes, but waht about the giant cocroaches that live there? how will they monopolize the moon from them?
  • edited May 2008
    What about the glass structures? Protect our history, ban baseballs on the moon!
  • edited May 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    Yes, but waht about the giant cocroaches that live there? how will they monopolize the moon from them?

    Top secret scientific studies during World War II resulted in the discovery of the giant cockroaches of the moon. The atom bomb was originally developed to cleanse the moon of them, its involvement in the war's end only being an afterthought. The likely problems involving the resulting radiation on the moon weren't what ruined that plan - you should've seen their faces when they realized that cockroaches would likely be the main survivors of a global nuclear war and what that meant for their plans...

    They haven't given up on their moon monopolization plans. Even as we speak, the five biggest bug spray companies in the world are working on top secret government research, which would explain why one of the hangars in Area 52 is currently being used to store thousands of boxes of cans of bug spray...
  • edited May 2008
    Did everyone miss the fact I was referencing a S+M:FP eppisode?
  • edited May 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    Did everyone miss the fact I was referencing a S+M:FP eppisode?

    I would have gotten it had my DVD set arrived instantly but development of teleporter technology has been repressed by the secret cabal that runs the US Postal Service.
  • edited May 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    Did everyone miss the fact I was referencing a S+M:FP eppisode?
    It was also a comic.
    And the reference was gotten; it's just the nature of these forums to take obvious references and take them to places you wouldn't expect.
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