satan and the mariachs

edited May 2008 in Sam & Max
what do you think satan meant when he said to sam that they would be seeing him more in the future and does anyone think the mariachs will be back?


  • edited May 2008
    what do you think satan meant when he said to sam that they would be seeing him more in the future and does anyone think the mariachs will be back?

    I don't know about the mariachis but Satan was probably referring to the inevitability of Sam and Max ending up in Hell when they die. Of course, barring their having any further adventures involving the afterlife while not actually dying, Sam and Max won't become permanent resents of Hell for at least a century.
  • edited May 2008
    "Cloning rights advocates are cloning themselves to create a bigger voting bloc."
    "Hey, it works for locusts!"
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