Question for the writers

edited May 2008 in Sam & Max
Hey guys! I have a question about the writing. Was season one's plot written with season two in mind? For example, did you know from the start who the "real" villain was? Or was it something that kind of fell into place as you wrote? Also, will Homestar Runner have an overarching plot?


  • edited May 2008
    The seasons are pretty much self-contained. Individual episodes will reference stuff that comes later in the season, but we don't plan past the end of a season. (Except for the basic stuff, like making sure there enough characters left alive at the end of a season to do another one.)

    The Strong Bad episodes are more self-contained than Sam & Max's, much like the Homestar Runner cartoons themselves don't pay much attention to story continuity. There are things that will carry through from episode to episode, though.
  • edited May 2008
    Is it easier to write in the format for Strong Bad? Or Sam and Max? It seems like it would be easier to right for a world where there are no consiquences to actions that lead into other episodes.
  • edited May 2008
    Chuck wrote: »
    (Except for the basic stuff, like making sure there enough characters left alive at the end of a season to do another one.)
    That made me laughed, for some reason.

    Sam and Max - survival deathmatch, in episodic format.
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