Refund or fix ! Decide already devs !

I really hate this, I loved TTG so far, but now I can't even play my game due to the save bug ? No, don't come at me with : "Please, create a new account without international letters until it's sorted out." I don't think that it is so hard to fix it. Anyway, you let this game come out and support only English speaking countries ? ... "-.- Guess I will want a refund.


  • tronixtronix Telltale Alumni

    Sorry you ran into this issue. It is planned to update the PC version with a fix for this before Episode 2 of The Wolf Among Us launches.

  • I was hoping for that, and sorry for that ugly thread of mine :/

    tronix posted: »

    Sorry you ran into this issue. It is planned to update the PC version with a fix for this before Episode 2 of The Wolf Among Us launches.

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