Create your own episode 2
As you know this is an episodic series and Homestar ruiner is the 1st one (yes RUINER) so anyway create your stroyline and name for episode 2 (can be totally humorous)
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Strong Bad gets an email from Telltale, and it contains SBCG4AP Episode 2, by Telltale. And then he plays it.
Strong Bad gets a visit from his cousin, who must be eliminated for he besmirches the Strong family name.
oh you got..... BURNINATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Second of all, Trogdor does not reside within the bounds of Strong Badia. For real. Get with it.
Keep dreaming, tiny legs! When are you gonna get the time to plot a story, write hundreds of lines of witty dialog, design clever puzzles and program some of the fun bits? You'd have to be absolutely mental to even attempt it! Or at least hopped up on some toxic combination of energy drinks!
Anyway, this "Episode 2" of yours better be good!
You forgot to mention to make sure your lunch consists of "Water, Artichoke and 'Cheeseburger in a can.'"
episode 2: A The Cheat in time
Homestar once again messes with Strong Bad's alternate universe portal (see sbemail 150) while trying to make a split pea soup smoothie, and sends The Cheat back in time. so now Strong Bad has to go through time and get him, while at the same time skrew up time to see if he'd become the king of town
A Cool Story of Strong Bad
By Darkblade07
One day SB is hangin' you know just foolin' around when BA BA BA BAAAAA!!!!
He gets the urge to play peasents quest!while playing, out of nowhere trogdor jumps out
the screen reeking havoc among free country USA!!!Finally you find a way to get him
back in the CPU... but then he picks you up and pulls you into the game.You must help
Rather Dashing (still playing as SB though!!) avenge his cottage and go get the CPU out of the trogdor lair!!!!But right when you'r about to win...Homestar stumbles into your room and messes up the CPU on freecountrys side of the game!!!When you go to grab the Lappy a frame comes up of homestar saying "Making out with Marzipan" (from virus email)the CPU has a virus and your stuck in it trying to get out!!!!!!
(alternate demension concept:There is a CPU in both free country USA and
the country side where all the peasents live!!!It is like a portal)
when the virus is in SBs CPU you could just go through random scenes trying
to get the PC!!!(such as:A new version of the SB zone,20X6,Dungeon Master 3,ect.,ect.)
once you finally get the Lappy you go through it and get home!!!
When you get home you gotta beat Homestar out of you'r house...
nice pitch huh...
SBCG4AP 102: Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective
Strong Bad wants to make new Dangeresque 3, but somebody steal his cool glasses. Strong Bad needs your help!
about trick-or-treating and egging alot of houses!!!
the Awsomest costume on halloween is totally
Stinko Man as Speed Racer...
Hey what if you got to choose SBs costume
I'd be The Alien.
different Alien
The Alien from the movie Alien.SB goes back to Hammockers Slammackers and they have restocked!