An alert prompt from spybot: search and destroy on telltale's forum?? it can't be!!! (64k useres...

edited September 2006 in Site Support

(link if the picture gets smallified)

Hello there... this is an alert box i get when just before apparently random pages load... as you can see it loads just the top part of the page and then i get the alert box... if i click "yes" it loads the page normaly... I'm not insisting this is one of telltale's evil deeds :D but it only appears on telltale's forum...


Edit: I even got it while posting this thread...


  • edited July 2006
    Nevermind... it also appeared on another website...
  • edited July 2006
    Maybe if you switch to Firefox?
  • edited September 2006
    It sure aint the site, it must be spyware already on your computer that pops up whenever it feels like it!
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