Telltale Alerts delay

edited September 2006 in Site Support
This isn't actually a forum problem but couldn't think of where else to post this.

I get the Telltale alerts in my email. Typically they'll arrive late in the day on which they are dated or the next morning.

Today, however, I got the alerts for Sept. 7, Sept. 8 and Sept. 12 within a 45 minute period in the late afternoon.

It doesn't bother me if I got them late but just thought you'd like to know.



  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2006
    Today when we sent out the newsletter and it didn't show up right away Doug did some digging and found that there were a bunch of mails queued up, not going anywhere. Apparently it'd been that way since Thursday, which meant there were quite a few alerts that suddenly went out all at once when the problem was fixed.

    Sorry for the email flood that resulted!
  • edited September 2006
    The emails didn't bother me at all. Rather that than having a bunch of emails asking if I'd like to enlarge something I don't have. ;)

    Just wanted to let you know in case you didn't realize it had happened.
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