Umm... no. Just no
For a less mind-numbing alternative, how about Sybil gets pregnant? Just as many questions that we DO NOT want answered, but now with the actual biological capacity to do so!
Wonder what would happen if all the villains from Season 1 and 2 returned as a group for revenge on Sam & Max...Only they were acting as the minions of a far more sinister being...? :O
There's a few great suggestions (such as the return of Snuckey's and characters from the comics) I like that others have mentioned. While others aren't so... good (such as remaking Hit the Road and shooting random people).
My main wishes are:
1. Another reason to visit their cute and marketable selves, either by time travel (preferably not since they have done that enough times) or flashback.
2. Have Max as an usable item again. Click on him with your left mouse button to select him. Then click with your right on the items or objects in your inventory or environment for him to interact and/or comment on it. I would like to use Max to solve puzzles. (I can see Sam saying, "Hey Max! Stop the blades from spinning while I grab the key...")
First of all, I wouldn't call them "anti heroes." They are more like Heroic Sociopaths because Sam is the one with morals and often forces them upon Max (unless Max convinces him otherwise).
I'm not surprised and quite happy it is so. If they did smoke and drink, most people would probably assume that is the cause of their odd behavior. Their personalities and habits are their own, not the result of substances (which makes Max a lot more scarier to me).
But Max did smoke an occasional sig, but Sam usually stops him ("Hey--You don't smoke! What the hell are you going?!" [from "Curse of the Faceless Man"]). The only time I found him actually smoking was during Christmas [found in the Effigy Mound sketchbook].
God no! Jeez, can we keep substance abuse out of Sam And Max! It's in everything else. It's like when you listen to a good band and then you hear they are always smoking weed. It may work, but in a fantasy world such as a videogame or comic you can give someone natural energy, and some things should not be revealed to the public. However, they do fit the descriptions of smokers- Max is a midget which is reason enough, and Sam seems to be a middle-aged loner (besides Max, seeing his younger self he does not appear to be very popular and thus would probably smoke.)
I would have made Max tougher and probably made his sexuality more explicit- at the moment all signs are pointing to him being gay or bisexual.
My main idea is that the Maimtron falls down the crack in the ground leading to the River Styx, and covers the river so Sam And Max are able to cross the river and go into the tunnel which by the next game, the moles will have built. Then, Lefty or a descendant of him reopens his shop, and Sybil's old space is taken up by a new place. Perhaps a bar, as we already have Stinky's and it is traditional in adventure games to have at least one bar (the Taverns in Monkey Island and the bars in Broken Sword for instance), and given their image it would make a lot of sense. However, it is there purely for importance in the game as like most police they will not drink on the job. It would be nice to have a bit of buying stuff in the game, like there was in Hit The Road. What i've wanted since the first game is to have everywhere on the street available, with a new place opening up per episode, so you can have a complete street.
A map is also a must, because it is far more fun to see Sam driving to a destination than it is to just make him say to Max "Come on, let's go". I know there are limitations in the episodic format, but this would be nice to have.
And Superball as the main villain is an excellent idea. Alternatively, Leonard could be the main villain as revenge for them locking him up for so long.
I'd also like the return of perhaps more music in the style of Steely Dan's Pearl Of The Quarter, like they used in Hit The Road. It gave the game a really nice feeling to it. I'm not saying remake Hit The Road but a lot of elements could be reused, as it seems enough things are reused from previous episodes anyway.
Hope that sums up my ideas well enough. I'd like to see at least one of these used if possible.
I'd have to disagree there- all signs point to asexual.
Before Chariots of the Dogs, that is.
I'd have to agree.
Especially during Chariots of the Dogs(which is so far my favorite episode, by the way), they hammer in the fact that Sam simply had NO interest in women. We later find out that this is not because he likes men, but because he simply didn't bother with sexuality AT ALL in the first place. When history was altered so that he *would* gain sexuality, it was squarely focused towards women. Luckily, thanks to the "Everything Back to the Status Quo" that sitcoms(and as such, "Gaming's First Sitcom", as on the Wii box) are allowed to do at least once and as many times as ALWAYS, he was back to normal by 205.
Especially during Chariots of the Dogs(which is so far my favorite episode, by the way), they hammer in the fact that Sam simply had NO interest in women. We later find out that this is not because he likes men, but because he simply didn't bother with sexuality AT ALL in the first place. When history was altered so that he *would* gain sexuality, it was squarely focused towards women. Luckily, thanks to the "Everything Back to the Status Quo" that sitcoms(and as such, "Gaming's First Sitcom", as on the Wii box) are allowed to do at least once and as many times as ALWAYS, he was back to normal by 205.
You know, that actually kind of bothered me. As far as I can tell they never actually retconned it, but yet they acted as if they did. Which basically means that it's up in the air at this point, I guess.
EDIT: You know, on second thought I don't really know if they really did go on as if it hadn't actually happened or it just never came up.
And, also, it disturbs me that we're having this conversation. This happens more often than you would like to know.
Especially during Chariots of the Dogs(which is so far my favorite episode, by the way), they hammer in the fact that Sam simply had NO interest in women. We later find out that this is not because he likes men, but because he simply didn't bother with sexuality AT ALL in the first place. When history was altered so that he *would* gain sexuality, it was squarely focused towards women. Luckily, thanks to the "Everything Back to the Status Quo" that sitcoms(and as such, "Gaming's First Sitcom", as on the Wii box) are allowed to do at least once and as many times as ALWAYS, he was back to normal by 205.
Hell, more Sam & Max is good enough for me. Although perhaps the neighbourhood locations could be completely revamped. I don't mean some new items added in Bosco's or the office, but a brand new look to them. Probably wouldn't work, but it'd help keep things fresh.
Ive just finished playing through both Seasons 1 and 2 of Sam and Max pretty much back to back and I couldnt stop by without saying Thank You. Its been an amazing couple of months and something Ive looked forward to for years. And it seems like you have a really close community here. I mean you take the time to answer your fans, which is cool.
I loved everything youve done with the Sam and Max series, all the awesome characters, all the cool places you get to go to, as well as
the continued destruction and changes to the street that you keep coming back home to visit.
My favourite parts of the series were
all the time twists and variations you did with Sam and Max. Going through time in Season 2 just made me smile when I ran into different versions of Sam and Max down the timeline. It makes me think of the 1st Futurama movie "Bender's Big Score". Even though I love both the Futurama movies (its my favourite TV show), I prefer Bender's Big Score because of all the time paradoxes and twists, and how it ties in with the original series. I also loved the souls of Sam and Max in "Night of the Raving Dead" as well as the end of "Bright Side of the Moon" with the 3 Max's.
So anything like that I would love to see back in Season 3.
I also loved fighting the villains in the series, but thats probably because a huge part of me misses fighting LeChuck (doesnt everybody?). I think Sam and Max works well as an episodic series because they can wrap up different cases with each episode, but Id love to fight more evil villains in the future too.
Fighting Hugh Bliss, The Blob and Santa, Jurgen, Abe Lincoln, and the internet were all really fun. I know he wasnt a main villain but I loved your version of Satan too. Id definately wanna see him come back. And Flint Paper, that guy was just amazing.
It looks like nearly everyone from LucasArts is working at Telltale now, so with all that talent and amazing voice acting, we know you guys will continue to make something special. Best of luck with Homestarrunner and your unknown series. I got myself a copy of Surfin' The Highway just to complete my Sam and Max fix, so that will keep me going until Season 3 comes out. Thank you for everything. Oh and like Amaterasu said before me, if you throw Guybrush in there, none of us are gonna object to that
I had a dream one night that had Sam&Max inside the Desoto transformer, like the drawing I posted here, and they were fighting Mac Salmon's giant killer mech-suit. This maybe a great idea, but it does sound like its too complicated.
I'd like to see the Zombies back, maybe with the Zombie Factory under new management. I don't see them as being villanous, more as general characters. Possibly Sam and Max could get a case where they are the ones needing help.
I'd also like to see the return of the Geek, if copyright issues permit. Maybe she could be running the Zombie Factory, or be the M.C. Alternatively she could open up shop at Lefty's old place.
1. Max as a playable character (cause face it, who doesn't)
2. Bosco appears to be reopening his store when in reality, He is actually a Bosco Robot Duplicate who stuffed the real Bosco in the bathroom
3. Return of the Toy Mafia
4. The Cake of the Damned expires and Stinky melts away
5. Mack Salmon or The Uglions in the new season
6. The Listening bug is actually a demonic.....demon who organizes a master plan in which 7 of Sam and Max's departed enemies (The $%^& Poppers, Brady Culture, Hugh Bliss, Jurgen, and Shambling Corporate Presence) possess the bodies of 7 defeated warriors, and walk upon the earth again.
7. Sybil is Pregnant
I'm also working on a fan-script for my idea of the first episode
The 3rd season should be a crossover between Sam and Max and the Rabbids. Also the dart game should be playable and torture me elmer should be usable.And their should be a usable dance revolution mat on which you dance to the tunes of Sam and Max season 1 and 2 albums and if possible Sam and Max hit the road.
The 3rd season should be a crossover between Sam and Max and the Rabbids. Also the dart game should be playable and torture me elmer should be usable.And their should be a usable dance revolution mat on which you dance to the tunes of Sam and Max season 1 and 2 albums and if possible Sam and Max hit the road.
The 3rd season should be a crossover between Sam and Max and the Rabbids. Also the dart game should be playable and torture me elmer should be usable.And their should be a usable dance revolution mat on which you dance to the tunes of Sam and Max season 1 and 2 albums and if possible Sam and Max hit the road.
no no and no
we don't need another mini game collection...... ever. especially not in sam and max
Umm... no. Just no
For a less mind-numbing alternative, how about Sybil gets pregnant? Just as many questions that we DO NOT want answered, but now with the actual biological capacity to do so!
Sybil can become pregnant if she decides to get donated...umm..."wigglies" from a spermatozoa bank. Or they can always adopt a child from an orphanage.
we don't need another mini game collection...... ever. especially not in sam and max
How would a new ubisoft station built in Sam and Max urban where the rabbids would live filled with various devices for maximum Wii experience make Sam and Max into a mini game collection?Don't they already have many mini games in the season 2 episodes already?
The end of the Soda Poppers. As in they don't ever, ever appear again. It wasn't that they were bad characters, but just so incredibly annoying!
Would like to see more of the 'big locations' that were in S2 (while S1 seemed to occur mostly in the neighborhood). An Ancient Egypt themed episode would be cool.
The end of the Soda Poppers. As in they don't ever, ever appear again. It wasn't that they were bad characters, but just so incredibly annoying!
Would like to see more of the 'big locations' that were in S2 (while S1 seemed to occur mostly in the neighborhood). An Ancient Egypt themed episode would be cool.
How about Sam&Max face off against Hugh Bliss's twin brother? It is a fact that bacteria can make duplicates of themselves. At least, that's what I learned in biology.
I had an idea for a game!
The demon-possessed DeSoto takes Sybyl and Abe on a season-long odessy of terror. Lacking the wheels to get to their rescue, the two hijack Superball's VW Beetle. Superball kidnaps Sam and reaquaints him with the Toy Mafia so both of them can get their revenge. To make things worse, Ted E. Bear has been replaced by-Leonard!
Another great idea would to be having a series in five or so parts that has an overarching, supernatural theme. Each episode will deal with the theme in different ways, in turn, while bringing back what was in the previous games. And at the very end, it'll all tie up in a neat little bow with an awesome plot twist.
What about paralell dimensions?
I bet it would be funny if Sam & Max travel to a paralell universe and try to fix the
calm and... wait that was in episode 106.
Umm... no. Just no
For a less mind-numbing alternative, how about Sybil gets pregnant? Just as many questions that we DO NOT want answered, but now with the actual biological capacity to do so!
decided to declare S&M's street their hood.
Sam: "Teenagers with too much jewelry and a desperate need for belts are hanging
around on the street. You know what that means Max."
Max: "Of course, start to boil the oil!"
God no! Jeez, can we keep substance abuse out of Sam And Max! It's in everything else. It's like when you listen to a good band and then you hear they are always smoking weed. It may work, but in a fantasy world such as a videogame or comic you can give someone natural energy, and some things should not be revealed to the public. However, they do fit the descriptions of smokers- Max is a midget which is reason enough, and Sam seems to be a middle-aged loner (besides Max, seeing his younger self he does not appear to be very popular and thus would probably smoke.)
I would have made Max tougher and probably made his sexuality more explicit- at the moment all signs are pointing to him being gay or bisexual.
My main idea is that the Maimtron falls down the crack in the ground leading to the River Styx, and covers the river so Sam And Max are able to cross the river and go into the tunnel which by the next game, the moles will have built. Then, Lefty or a descendant of him reopens his shop, and Sybil's old space is taken up by a new place. Perhaps a bar, as we already have Stinky's and it is traditional in adventure games to have at least one bar (the Taverns in Monkey Island and the bars in Broken Sword for instance), and given their image it would make a lot of sense. However, it is there purely for importance in the game as like most police they will not drink on the job. It would be nice to have a bit of buying stuff in the game, like there was in Hit The Road. What i've wanted since the first game is to have everywhere on the street available, with a new place opening up per episode, so you can have a complete street.
A map is also a must, because it is far more fun to see Sam driving to a destination than it is to just make him say to Max "Come on, let's go". I know there are limitations in the episodic format, but this would be nice to have.
And Superball as the main villain is an excellent idea. Alternatively, Leonard could be the main villain as revenge for them locking him up for so long.
I'd also like the return of perhaps more music in the style of Steely Dan's Pearl Of The Quarter, like they used in Hit The Road. It gave the game a really nice feeling to it. I'm not saying remake Hit The Road but a lot of elements could be reused, as it seems enough things are reused from previous episodes anyway.
Hope that sums up my ideas well enough. I'd like to see at least one of these used if possible.
I'd have to agree.
EDIT: You know, on second thought I don't really know if they really did go on as if it hadn't actually happened or it just never came up.
And, also, it disturbs me that we're having this conversation. This happens more often than you would like to know.
Ive just finished playing through both Seasons 1 and 2 of Sam and Max pretty much back to back and I couldnt stop by without saying Thank You. Its been an amazing couple of months and something Ive looked forward to for years. And it seems like you have a really close community here. I mean you take the time to answer your fans, which is cool.
I loved everything youve done with the Sam and Max series, all the awesome characters, all the cool places you get to go to, as well as
My favourite parts of the series were
I also loved fighting the villains in the series, but thats probably because a huge part of me misses fighting LeChuck (doesnt everybody?). I think Sam and Max works well as an episodic series because they can wrap up different cases with each episode, but Id love to fight more evil villains in the future too.
It looks like nearly everyone from LucasArts is working at Telltale now, so with all that talent and amazing voice acting, we know you guys will continue to make something special. Best of luck with Homestarrunner and your unknown series. I got myself a copy of Surfin' The Highway just to complete my Sam and Max fix, so that will keep me going until Season 3 comes out. Thank you for everything. Oh and like Amaterasu said before me, if you throw Guybrush in there, none of us are gonna object to that
I wonder if any of the Telltale Team are taking notes? =D
dude that is so awesome
u know Stargate SG1 did an exact episode of this same plot years before the indiana jones movie came out?
I'd also like to see the return of the Geek, if copyright issues permit. Maybe she could be running the Zombie Factory, or be the M.C. Alternatively she could open up shop at Lefty's old place.
1. Max as a playable character (cause face it, who doesn't)
2. Bosco appears to be reopening his store when in reality, He is actually a Bosco Robot Duplicate who stuffed the real Bosco in the bathroom
3. Return of the Toy Mafia
4. The Cake of the Damned expires and Stinky melts away
5. Mack Salmon or The Uglions in the new season
6. The Listening bug is actually a demonic.....demon who organizes a master plan in which 7 of Sam and Max's departed enemies (The $%^& Poppers, Brady Culture, Hugh Bliss, Jurgen, and Shambling Corporate Presence) possess the bodies of 7 defeated warriors, and walk upon the earth again.
7. Sybil is Pregnant
I'm also working on a fan-script for my idea of the first episode
Maybe they can go berserk after president max bans doors from america^^
no no and no
we don't need another mini game collection...... ever. especially not in sam and max
Sybil can become pregnant if she decides to get donated...umm..."wigglies" from a spermatozoa bank. Or they can always adopt a child from an orphanage.
...Whatever Steve Purcell and Telltale come up with!
Now THAT is just ridiculous. I reject this idea and any idea even remotely similar to it as stupid.
really? even my ideas?
How would a new ubisoft station built in Sam and Max urban where the rabbids would live filled with various devices for maximum Wii experience make Sam and Max into a mini game collection?Don't they already have many mini games in the season 2 episodes already?
Would like to see more of the 'big locations' that were in S2 (while S1 seemed to occur mostly in the neighborhood). An Ancient Egypt themed episode would be cool.
The demon-possessed DeSoto takes Sybyl and Abe on a season-long odessy of terror. Lacking the wheels to get to their rescue, the two hijack Superball's VW Beetle. Superball kidnaps Sam and reaquaints him with the Toy Mafia so both of them can get their revenge. To make things worse, Ted E. Bear has been replaced by-Leonard!