Sam & Max Collections

edited June 2008 in Sam & Max
Hello everybody!

I'm in the process of putting together a sort of, well, shrine I guess you could call it, consisting of all of my S&M items, and I am interested in what kinds of items you all have in your collections and how you display them - to kind of give me some ideas, and maybe give some new items to look for. I have attached a list of what is in my collection, and once I get some pictures, I'll post them as well. I'm also wondering what the rarity of some of these items is - although I have been collecting Sam & Max stuff for over 12 years now, I still don't know how much some of this is worth. Any help would be appreciated!




  • edited June 2008
    I've always wanted to get a Desoto model and Sam & Max it up. You should post pictures of it.

    The "Moon rover colour collection" isn't really a collection of anything. It's just a seperate book. One of the three original Issues that were made.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2008
    I'm happy that you include an actual DeSoto Adventurer in there, right next to the model of one.
  • edited June 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    I'm happy that you include an actual DeSoto Adventurer in there, right next to the model of one.

    The real DeSoto is more of a heap of metal right now - I've never driven it, and there are a lot of things wrong with it that I didn't mention on the list, mainly because there wasn't enough room. The way I see it, in about two years (and probably a few thousand dollars), I'll be able to surf the highway in style.
  • edited June 2008
    Sadly I only have a few things, the Hit The Road game, season 1, The Effy book and Surfing the Highway. Really want to get some more
  • edited June 2008
    Oh I forgot I've just got the Animated Series too
  • edited June 2008
    Oh, man I wish I still had the DeSoto from my youth!

    I also miss my Cutlass!
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