
edited August 2007 in Site Support
I think it would be good to add support for polls to the forum. I figure it would be a good way for telltale to gather some stats on what people want etc. I don't know who is in charge of the forum but it's something to look into.


  • edited December 2004
    mvnForum probably doesn't support polls. It still has a lot of work to be done on it by the looks of things.
  • edited December 2004
    At the moment not even 'jump to last post' does work correctly :(( - you'll be at the last page, but that crappy forum thinks it's on the first page... it's a horror moving around in long threads, like the 'speculation'-thread...
    We're far from getting polls in here, I'm afraid...
  • edited December 2004
    I hear your pain. Be patient though, "jump to last post" is scheduled to be fixed. And hey, we'll even be announcing products soon!

    As far as polls, alas I'm afraid you're right. As we begin to ramp up here, if mvnforum doesn't release soon with poll support (among other things), we'll migrate to something else.

    I have to admit that the reason we went with mvnforum is because we have a Java expert (me) and no php experts. If someone has a better recommendation for a java-based forum package, I'll be happy to look into it. I know php a bit, but didn't want to deal with maintaining and customizing a php-based forum.
  • edited December 2004
    Polls are evil. They clutter up forums and discourage actual discussion.

    If you must add polls, please consider limiting them to a new, poll-only, forum so as not to interfere with the rather lovely discussions we're having in the Yak Space.
  • edited December 2004
    I have to admit that the reason we went with mvnforum is because we have a Java expert (me) and no php experts. If someone has a better recommendation for a java-based forum package, I'll be happy to look into it.

    Hello Troy, I visited the MVN site the other day. It dawned immediately upon me that you chose it for the Java platform - I hadn't realised MVN-forum is programmed in that language.
    That clearly sets it apart from the other systems.

    And, sorry to say, I looked for something similar, but couldn't come up with anything in Java. So MVN forum is rather unique in its technique, I guess.
  • edited August 2007
    troy wrote: »
    I hear your pain. Be patient though, "jump to last post" is scheduled to be fixed. And hey, we'll even be announcing products soon!

    As far as polls, alas I'm afraid you're right. As we begin to ramp up here, if mvnforum doesn't release soon with poll support (among other things), we'll migrate to something else.

    I have to admit that the reason we went with mvnforum is because we have a Java expert (me) and no php experts. If someone has a better recommendation for a java-based forum package, I'll be happy to look into it. I know php a bit, but didn't want to deal with maintaining and customizing a php-based forum.

    Wiki's got a good page on this;

    Sorry about replying to such an oldpost, I'm currently trying to hunt down some forum software - that doesnt require MySQL - myself at the moment :D
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